
Lazyzoun Amazon Products



  1. Upload the lazyzoun folder and all it’s contents to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Create a /products/ folder in your /wp-content/uploads/ directory and make sure that it`s writeable
  3. Now you have the image-cache directory: /wp-content/uploads/products/
  4. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  5. Access the Plugin settings by clicking the Lazyzoun menu option
  6. Enter the Product Advertising API – Public Key
  7. Enter the Product Advertising API – Private Key
  8. Insert the Lazyzoun Widget into your website
  9. Create a custom field “lazyzoun-id” and insert an amazon ASIN Code to the value field
  10. Optionally create a custom field “lazyzoun-name” and insert a Product-Name

Lazyzoun is the easy way to add any amazon product to your sidebar.
If you are writing Reviews about amazon items, it helps you monetize your blog.

* quickly add a product by using custom-fields
* adds automatically a customizable “call-to-action-button”, a product-image and the current product-price
* a local cache stores the image to a folder on your server (SEO-friendly)
* Google Analytics click tracking
* Uses the Amazon Product Advertising API
* Requires an AWS Public and Private Key
