
LB ColorBox



  1. Upload the lb-colorbox/ directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Configure LB Colorbox options under ‘Settings’->’ColorBox’
  4. Start adding ColorBoxes under the ‘ColorBoxes’ menu item.

Enabling Kuler functionality

  1. Go to http://kuler.adobe.com/api and sign up for an Adobe account/Kuler API key
  2. Navigate to Settings->ColorBox
  3. Enter your Kuler API key
  4. (Optional) Set the number of Kulers you wish to retrieve (defaults to 20 at a time)
  5. Click Save
  6. Kulers will now be listed under the top-level ColorBoxes menu item

Collect color schemes. Use ’em, display ’em, go nuts.

LB Colorbox is a new way to collect color schemes and tuck them away inside of WordPress for safe keeping. If you’ve ever admired the palettes available at ColourLovers, StudioPress, Colllor or elsewhere, you can now recreate that functionality from the safety of your own WordPress home. It stores your swatches as Custom Post Types inside of WordPress.

You can also directly import color schemes from Adobe’s Kuler service. You’ll need to apply for a Kuler API key in order to use this feature, but once you’ve done so, a wealth of options are available to you.
