
WP Help



  1. Upload the wp-help folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory

  2. Activate the “WP Help” plugin in your WordPress administration interface

  3. Visit “Publishing Help” in the menu to get started (note that you can change the location and title of this menu item)


Site operators can create detailed, hierarchical documentation for the site’s authors, editors, and contributors, viewable in the WordPress admin. Powered by Custom Post Types, you get all the power of WordPress to create, edit, and arrange your documentation. Perfect for customized client sites. Never send another “here’s how to use your site” e-mail again!

NEW: You can now pull in help documents from another WP Help install, and they will be automatically updated when the source documents change (even additions and deletions!). Perfect for WordPress multisite installs, or consultants with a large number of client installs.


I’m not saying these things are definitely coming, but they’re the sort of things that are on my radar, in case you were wondering:

  • Multiple sync sources
  • Multiple sync groups (segment top level documents into “categories” and get a unique sync URL for each)