
WP HelpTap Connect



  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/wp-helptap-connect directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings->WP HelpTap Connect to configure your HelpTap tapname

HelpTap allows anyone to create a store-front in one click and promote it across various channels for free.

  • Join millions of users accessing information and services from thousands of experts and businesses via conversation
  • Just write your query or task and get connected with a verified expert via chat instantly. Or simply start a conversation with anyone directly using their @tapname
  • Set up your tap like a storefront and let users/customers connect with you regarding their queries or tasks. Put tap name/icon on your websites or social profiles too for direct conversation!
  • Talk 1-on-1 or invite friends/co-workers in any conversation with just a click. Share files, photos, location etc. and never miss anything with our mobile app!
  • Custom time based or fixed value orders supported for any skill, product or service offered in the conversation. One tap payment and invoice generation
  • Rate your experience after each order/conversation. Seek help from our team in case of any issues – making your experience safe and hassle free is our utmost priority