[wordpress插件] Admin Bar Menu Packer管理栏菜单打包程序

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-02 15:20 550 0 全屏看文






Some of themes or plugins add menu items to the toolbar (admin bar). These additional items may be useful, but sometimes you feel annoyed as the toolbar fills up with various items. Admin Bar Menu Packer gathers these items on the toolbar into one hamburger menu. The message “Howdy, username” next to the Avatar is also removed, but most WordPress built-in items remain as they are.

Debug Mode

If WP_DEBUG is enabled, this plugin will run in debug mode.
In debug mode, you can see:

  • [Node ID popup] Each item in the hamburger menu has title attribute contains node ID
  • [Debug menu] Additional item (‘All Nodes’) which contains node IDs of all items on the toolbar


This plugin is currently available in English and Japanese (日本語).

Some of themes or plugins add menu items to the toolbar (admin bar). These additional items may be useful, but sometimes you feel annoyed as the toolbar fills up with various items. Admin Bar Menu Packer gathers these items on the toolbar into one hamburger menu. The message “Howdy, username” next to the Avatar is also removed, but most WordPress built-in items remain as they are.

Debug Mode

If WP_DEBUG is enabled, this plugin will run in debug mode.
In debug mode, you can see:

  • [Node ID popup] Each item in the hamburger menu has title attribute contains node ID
  • [Debug menu] Additional item (‘All Nodes’) which contains node IDs of all items on the toolbar


This plugin is currently available in English and Japanese (日本語).


    1. Upload the /admin-bar-menu-packer/ directory into your WordPress plugins directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.

      / admin-bar-menu-packer / 目录上传到您的WordPress插件目录中,或直接通过WordPress插件屏幕安装插件。

    2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.





