[wordpress插件] CHL-Change HTML LangCHL-更改HTML语言

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-23 05:10 566 0 全屏看文



CHL-Change HTML Lang is a simple WordPress SEO plugin for changing HTML language attribute(language_attributes();) value in header.

CHL-Change HTML Lang是一个简单的WordPress SEO插件,用于更改标头中的HTML语言属性(language_attributes();)值。

Many of us use WordPress(Admin area UI) in the English version but write their content in another language.


So by default WordPress uses English(en-US) language attribute for

因此,默认情况下,WordPress使用 <?php language_attributes();的English(en-US)语言属性;

?> used in header.php.

?> 用于 header.php

For example – If you write your content in Hindi language but use WordPress(Admin area UI) in English, your html language attribute must be hi or hi-IN for many reasons

例如–如果您以印地语编写内容,但使用WordPress(管理区域用户界面)为英文,则出于多种原因,您的html语言属性必须为 hi hi-IN

including SEO but WordPress echo html language attribute of installed locale version (en-US by default).


You can’t change HTML language attribute directly so I created this plugin(CHL-Change HTML Lang) that allows you to change HTML language attribute from the dashboard.

您无法直接更改HTML语言属性,因此我创建了此插件(CHL-Change HTML Lang),该插件可让您从信息中心更改HTML语言属性。

After activating this plugin simply visit Settings → General and change HTML lang tag.

激活此插件后,只需访问设置→常规并更改HTML lang标签。

Bug reports


Bug reports for CHL-Change HTML Lang are welcomed on GitHub.



    1. Go to your admin area and select Plugins → Add New from the menu.
    2. 转到您的管理区域,然后从菜单中选择“插件”→“添加新项”。

    3. Search for “CHL-Change HTML Lang”.
    4. 搜索“ CHL-Change HTML Lang”。

    5. Click install.
    6. 单击安装。

    7. Click activate.
    8. 单击激活。

    9. Navigate to Settings → General.


    10. OR Go to your admin area and select Plugins → Add New from the menu.

      OR 转到您的管理区域,然后从菜单中选择插件→添加新的。

      Upload the file chl-change-html-lang.zip.

      上载文件 chl-change-html-lang.zip

    11. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
    12. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    13. Navigate to Settings → General for changing HTML lang=
    14. 导航至“设置”→“常规”以更改HTML lang =

