[wordpress插件] ClickChinaClickChina

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-25 02:30 462 0 全屏看文




Spam prevention plug-in, click the correct graphic to submit a review (like wp-Clickcha), easy to use, automatically recognize the user language Chinese or English.


No need to connect to a designated server, faster and no ads.

we can stop spam comments,as clickcha,Click on the Right picture to submit comments,Automatic recognition of user language,it’s Open source,and not need to connect to other servers,so it’s Faster,And no Ads.

we can stop spam comments, as clickcha, Click on the Right picture to submit comments, Automatic recognition of user language, it ’s Open source, and not need to connect to other servers, so it ’s Faster, And no Ads.

查看演示: 你可以查看评论效果.

View the demo: You can check the comment effect.

See Demo to use Clickchina to send a comment.

See Demo to use Clickchina to send a comment.


    1. (上传至插件目录)Upload me to the /wp-content/plugins/,
    2. (Upload to plugin directory) Upload me to the / wp-content / plugins /,

    3. (激活插件)Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
    4. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

    5. (模板中的comments.php文件,如果没有这段代码ID); ?>,请添加到<

    6. (comments.php file in the template, if there is no this code ID);?> , please add it to <


      / form> before)

      If your theme doesn't have the codeID); ?>, you must add them before the closing <

      If your theme doesn't have the code ID);?> , you must add them before the closing <

      /code> tag in the comments.php file of the theme.

    7. / code> tag in the comments.php file of the theme.

    8. (如果你的模板评论使用了ajax,请不要使用本插件)we are conflicting with “ajax” comment theme.
    9. (If your template comments use ajax, please do not use this plugin) we are conflicting with “ajax” comment theme.

