[wordpress插件] DeMomentSomTres Image Feed WidgetDeMomentSomTres图像提要小部件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-15 10:31 465 0 全屏看文



This plugin allows to place widgets on your sidebars, that fetch the contents of one or more RSS feeds, combine them by date if there is more than one, and display the thumbnail images that are included in the feeds items.

此插件允许将小部件放置在侧边栏上,以获取一个或多个RSS feed的内容,如果有多个RSS feed,则按日期组合它们,并显示feed项目中包含的缩略图。

You can give the widget any number of feeds, and limit the quantity of images to be displayed.


This plugin is a corrected version of Image Feed Widget by yorik to include error control.

此插件是yorik纠正的Image Feed Widget版本,其中包含错误控制。

In case of problems system launched a Fatal Error.


You can use any kind of RSS feed, but they must contain thumbnails (the plugin will check for, in that order, media:thumbnail tags, or enclosure tags, or, if none of these are found, an img tag inside

您可以使用任何类型的RSS feed,但是它们必须包含缩略图(插件将按该顺序检查media:thumbnail标签或附件标签,或者,如果找不到这些标签,则在其中查找img标签

the feed item description).


If you don’t undestand a word of this, just make sure your feed carries thumbnails, otherwise all you’ll see is a “No thumbnail found” text…


You can also use this plugin from your theme templates, to display images lists anywhere else on your blog and you can easily give them a fixed size or a maximum size with CSS styling.



    1. Upload plugin-name.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or use the wordpress plugin installer
    2. plugin-name.php 上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录,或使用wordpress插件安装程序

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. A new “Image Feed Widget” will be available.
    6. 新的“图像供稿小部件”将可用。

    7. Give a list of feeds to the widget, separated by commas, such as http://www.example1.comss,http://www.example2.comss2
    8. 提供小部件的供稿列表,并用逗号分隔,例如http://www.example1.comss、http://www.example2.comss2

