[wordpress插件] Code School Badges密码学校徽章

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-26 16:50 425 0 全屏看文



Learn By Doing.


Code School teaches web technologies in the comfort of your browser with video lessons, coding challenges, and screencasts.

Code School通过视频课程,编码挑战和截屏视频,在您的浏览器中舒适地教授Web技术。

Use this plugin to proudly display completed Code School course badges on your WordPress blog, website or CV.

使用此插件可以在WordPress博客,网站或CV上自豪地显示完整的Code School课程徽章。

You can use a widget to display your badges in a header, sidebar or footer or use a shortcode to display badges in the main content area of a post or page.


The plugin offers two customization options:


    1. How many of your most recent completed course badges to display
    2. 要显示多少个最近完成的课程徽章

    3. How large should each badge be (in pixels, ems, or other valid units)
    4. 每个徽章应多大(以像素,ems或其他有效单位为单位)

    Project code is hosted at GitHub.


    Contributors welcome.



There are a few options for installing and setting up this plugin.


Upload Manually


    1. Download and unzip the plugin
    2. 下载并解压缩插件

    3. Upload the ‘wpcodeschool-badges’ folder into the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
    4. 将“ wpcodeschool-badges”文件夹上传到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录

    5. Go to the Plugins admin page and activate the plugin
    6. 转到“插件管理”页面并激活插件

    Install Via Admin Area


      1. In the admin area go to Plugins > Add New and search for “Code School Badges”
      2. 在管理区域中,转到“插件”>“添加新内容”,然后搜索“ Code School Badge”。

      3. Click install and then click activate
      4. 单击“安装”,然后单击“激活”

      To Setup The Plugin


        1. Find your Code School username (see instructions under FAQ)
        2. 找到您的代码学校用户名(请参阅“常见问题”下的说明)

        3. In the WordPress admin area go to Settings > Code School Badges and then enter in your username
        4. 在WordPress管理区域中,转到“设置”>“代码学校徽章”,然后输入您的用户名

        How to Use the Badges Widget


          1. Setup the Plugin (refer to above)
          2. 设置插件(请参阅上文)

          3. Go to Appearance > Widgets and drag the ‘Code School Badges’ widget to your sidebar.
          4. 转到外观>小部件,然后将“代码学校徽章”小部件拖动到侧边栏。

          5. Enter in a Title to appear above the badges.

          6. 输入标题以显示在徽章上方。

            For example “My Code School Badges”

          7. 例如“我的代码学校徽章”

          8. Choose how many badges you would like to display
          9. 选择要显示多少个徽章

          10. Enter how large each badge should be.

          11. 输入每个徽章的大小。

            Examples: 60px, 5ems, 12pts, etc.

          12. 例如:60px,5ems,12pts等。

          How to Use the Shortcode


            1. Navigate to the post or page you would like to add the badges to appear.
            2. 导航至您要添加徽章以显示的帖子或页面。

            3. Enter in the shortcode [wpcodeschool_badges]
            4. 输入简码[wpcodeschool_badges]

            5. Customize the number of badges displayed by adding the parameter ‘num_badges’ with the number of badges you want to display.

            6. 通过将参数“ num_badges”添加到要显示的徽章数量,来定制显示的徽章数量。

              [wpcodeschool_badges num_badges=’4′].

              [wpcodeschool_badges num_badges =’4']。

              If a number is not specified, all of your badges will be displayed.

            7. 如果未指定数字,则将显示所有徽章。

            8. Customize how large each badge should be.

            9. 自定义每个徽章的大小。

              Examples: 60px, 5ems, 12pts, etc. [wpcodeschool_badges badge_size=’100px’].

              例如:60px,5ems,12pts等。[wpcodeschool_badges badge_size ='100px']。

              If no size is specified, the default badge size is 60px.

            10. 如果未指定大小,则默认标志大小为60px。

            11. You can use any of the parameters in combination [wpcodeschool_badges num_badges=’4′ badge_size=’100px’]
            12. 您可以结合使用任何参数[wpcodeschool_badges num_badges ='4'badge_size ='100px']

