[wordpress插件] Dadi Cookie Consent LiteDadi Cookie同意精简版

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-11 16:00 505 0 全屏看文



Dadi Cookie Consent Lite simply helps website ammministrator to block cookies and potentially invasive content of user privacy, submitting the content to the prior consent, but it can not guarantee full compliance with the EU Cookie Law and GDPR.

Dadi Cookie同意精简版仅帮助网站管理员阻止Cookie和用户隐私的潜在侵入性内容,并将其内容提交给事先同意,但不能保证完全符合欧盟Cookie法和GDPR。

For this reason, constantly check that the website complies with the Eu and GDPR cookie law.

因此,请经常检查网站是否符合欧盟和GDPR Cookie法律。

It is a task of the website administrator to make these legal checks.


Lite Features


    1. Cookie Policy Page Link in banner
    2. 横幅广告中的Cookie政策页面链接

    3. Prevent blocking javascript and iframes
    4. 防止阻止javascript和iframe

    5. Prevent blocking of all local cookies
    6. 防止阻止所有本地cookie

    7. Two banners colors available: black and white
    8. 两种横幅颜色可供选择:黑色和白色

    9. Two banners: mini-banner and extended banner
    10. 两个横幅:迷你横幅和扩展横幅

    11. A replacement box for the removed content (only iframes)
    12. 已删除内容的替换框(仅iframe)

    13. Compatibility with Wp Supercache and W3TC
    14. 与Wp Supercache和W3TC的兼容性

    15. Ajax consent or reload
    16. Ajax同意或重新加载

    17. Set cookie time
    18. 设置cookie时间

    19. Shortcode to consentevoke in cookie page
    20. 在Cookie页面中同意/撤消的简码

    21. Shortcode to wrap content to block (useful in editor post)
    22. 用于包装内容以阻止的简短代码(在编辑器中有用)

    23. Consent on scroll
    24. 滚动同意

    25. Consent on navigation
    26. 同意导航

    27. Banners text and labels customizable
    28. 横幅文本和标签可自定义

    Premium Features


      1. Privacy Policy Link in banner
      2. 横幅中的隐私权政策链接

      3. Policies displayed in an ajax popup
      4. 在ajax弹出窗口中显示的政策

      5. Fully extended banner customizable, through wysiwyg editor and shortcodes for consent and policies
      6. 通过所见即所得的编辑器和同意和政策的简码可完全自定义横幅广告

      7. Tags italic, underline and strong available in mini-banner
      8. 在迷你横幅中可用斜体,下划线和强标签标记

      9. Four color scheme for banners
      10. 横幅的四种配色方案

      11. Banners position (horizontal and vertical)
      12. 横幅位置(水平和垂直)

      13. Banners transparency available
      14. 横幅透明可用

      15. Three ways to display banners: first mini-banner (and on click, extended banner), first extended banner (and on click, mini-banner), only extended-banner
      16. 三种显示横幅的方式:第一个迷你横幅(单击时,扩展横幅),第一个扩展横幅(和单击时,微型横幅),仅扩展横幅

      17. Possibility to select the javascript to keep during the block
      18. 可以选择在屏蔽期间保留的javascript

      19. Possibility to select the iframes to keep during the block
      20. 可以选择在代码段中保留的iframe

      21. Deactivation script block
      22. 停用脚本块

      23. Deactivation iframe block
      24. 停用iframe块

      25. Compatibility with Wp Supercache, W3TC, Fastest Cache, Cache Enabler, Lite Speed Cache
      26. 与Wp超级缓存,W3TC,最快的缓存,缓存启用器,Lite Speed缓存的兼容性

      27. Creation of unlimited dedicated blocks (services) that can generate cookies, to submit them to a specific request for consent (also using shortcodes).

      28. 创建可以生成cookie的无限专用块(服务),以将其提交给特定的同意请求(也使用短代码)。

        Example (only youtube videos, only Twitter status)

      29. 示例(仅youtube视频,仅Twitter状态)

      30. Confirm consent popup
      31. 确认同意弹出窗口

      32. Javascript areas in head and footer (through textarea fields) to bypass block or to customize blocking actions and consent
      33. 页眉和页脚中的Javascript区域(通过textarea字段)绕过阻止或自定义阻止操作和同意

      34. Available different shortcodes to block or bypass blocking
      35. 可用不同的短代码来阻止或绕过阻止

      36. Filters and actions available to make your code compatible with Dadi Cookie Consent and to extend some features
      37. 可以使用过滤器和操作来使您的代码与Dadi Cookie Consent兼容并扩展某些功能

      38. Noscript feature.

      39. Noscript功能。

        In order for Dadi Cookie to work even when javascript is disabled

      40. 为了使Dadi Cookie即使在禁用javascript的情况下也能正常工作

      41. Message noscript
      42. 留言脚本

      Credits Engine


        • This plugin use some icons of FontAwesome (v. 4.7), and generate by Fontello.

        • 此插件使用FontAwesome(v。4.7)的一些图标,并由Fontello生成。

          Font Awesome is realesed under SIL license.

        • Font Awesome已获得SIL许可。


    1. Download and extract plugin files to a wp-content/plugin directory.
    2. 下载插件文件并将其解压缩到wp-content / plugin目录。

    3. Activate the plugin through the WordPress admin interface.
    4. 通过WordPress管理界面激活插件。

    5. Customize Dadi Cookie Consent Lite in DCC Lite.

    6. 在DCC Lite中自定义Dadi Cookie同意Lite。

      If you have any questions or problems please make a post here: https://wordpress.org/tags/dadi-cookie-consent-lite

    7. 如果您有任何疑问或问题,请在此处发布:https://wordpress.org/tags/dadi-cookie-consent-lite

