[wordpress插件] Debt Calculator债务计算器

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-13 23:21 504 0 全屏看文



For plugin support, go to the official Debt Calculator page


Easily add a debt repayment calculator to your website.


If you have a website about debt, personal finance, credit, mortgages, bankruptcy, or other financial services, offer your users a tool to estimate how long it will take them to get out of debt.


Simply add the text [debtcalc] to page or post content, and have a helpful debt calculation form embedded in your site’s content.

只需在页面或帖子内容中添加文本 [debtcalc] ,然后在您的网站内容中嵌入一个有用的债务计算表。

You can also add the calculator to your website’s sidebar by using the [debtcalc] shortcode in a text widget!

您还可以通过使用文本小部件中的 [debtcalc] 短代码将计算器添加到网站的边栏中!

Shortcode Use


    • class : Adds CSS class to container DIV.

    • class :将CSS类添加到容器 DIV 中。

      Default: debtCalculator

    • 默认值: debtCalculator

    • width : Inline CSS width of container DIV.

    • width :容器 DIV 的内联CSS宽度。

      Default: 400px

    • 默认值: 400px

    • zebra : Whether to add CSS class of debt_row_odd to odd table rows, making the table alternating colors (called zebrastriping).

    • zebra :是否将 debt_row_odd 的CSS类添加到奇数表行中,以使表具有不同的颜色(称为zebrastriping)。

      Default: true

    • 默认值: true

    • legend : Add a legend to the form with the specified text.

    • legend :将带有图例的图例添加到表单。

      Default: false

    • 默认值: false

    Sample code:


    [debtcalc class="sampleCssClass" width="100%" zebra="false" legend="Your Debt Snapshot"]

      [debtcalc class =“ sampleCssClass” width =“ 100%” zebra =“ false” legend =“您的债务快照”]

    The form’s container DIV will have class “sampleCssClass” and will be 100% wide.

    表单的容器DIV将具有“ sampleCssClass”类,且宽度为100%。

    The table will NOT be zebrastriped, and the legend text will be “Your Debt Snapshot”.


      • Updating the style: You can update the form’s style by editing the plugin’s debt.css file
      • 更新样式:您可以通过编辑插件的 debt.css 文件来更新表单的样式。


    1. Upload plugin files to your plugins folder, or install using WordPress’ built-in Add New Plugin installer.
    2. 将插件文件上传到您的plugins文件夹中,或使用WordPress的内置“添加新插件”安装程序进行安装。

    3. Activate the plugin
    4. 激活插件

    5. Add [debtcalc] shortcode to your content where you want a debt calculator
    6. 在要使用债务计算器的内容中添加 [debtcalc] 简码

