[wordpress插件] Devotionals灵修

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-16 09:10 509 0 全屏看文



Create devotional posts on your ministry blog, including standard or custom archives and RSS Feed.

在事工博客上创建虔诚的帖子,包括标准或自定义存档和RSS Feed。

You can also optionally include tweetable quotes.


Features include:


    • Linkable Scripture references, using any version accessible on biblegateway.com.
    • 可链接的圣经参考,使用可在biblegateway.com上访问的任何版本。

    • Tweetable Quotes that allow you to automatically add a memorable quote from the devotional and a “Tweet This” button to the bottom of devotional.
    • Tweetable Quotes,可让您从灵修中自动添加一个难忘的报价,并在灵修底部添加“ Tweet This”按钮。

    • Tweetable Quote is automatically tied to the Author’s user account twitter handle, but can be customized per devotional post.
    • Tweetable Quotes自动绑定到作者的用户帐户twitter句柄,但可以根据虔诚的帖子进行自定义。

    • Footnote and copyright information can be easily added to bottom of each devotional.
    • 脚注和版权信息可以轻松地添加到每个灵修的底部。

    • RSS Feed and Archives pages can use standard WP or customized urls to match your site’s navigation and permalink structure.
    • RSS Feed和Archives页面可以使用标准WP或自定义的URL来匹配您网站的导航和永久链接结构。

    • RSS Feed is pre-formatted for Mailchimp and other RSS based content integrations.
    • RSS Feed已预先格式化,可用于Mailchimp和其他基于RSS的内容集成。


To install the plugin manually in WordPress:


    1. Login as Admin on your WordPress blog.
    2. 以WordPress管理员身份登录。

    3. Click on the “Plugins” tab in the left menu.
    4. 单击左侧菜单中的“插件”标签。

    5. Select “Add New.”
    6. 选择“添加新项”。

    7. Click on “Upload” at the top of the page.
    8. 点击页面顶部的“上传”。

    9. Select the ‘devotionals.zip’ on your computer, and upload.

    10. 在计算机上选择“ devotionals.zip”,然后上传。

      Activate the plugin once it is uploaded.

    11. 上传插件后,激活它。

    To install the plugin manually with FTP:


      1. Unzip the ‘devotionals.zip’ file.

      2. 解压缩“ devotionals.zip”文件。

        Upload that folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.

      3. 将该文件夹上传到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录。

      4. Login to your WordPress dashboard and activate the plugin through the “Plugins” tab in the left menu.
      5. 登录到WordPress仪表板,然后通过左侧菜单中的“插件”标签激活插件。

      To configure the plugin options:


        1. Login to your WordPress dashboard and go to Settings -> Devotionals in the left menu.
        2. 登录到WordPress仪表板,然后转到左侧菜单中的“设置”->“灵修”。

        3. Define your permalink slug (url path) for your devotionals section.

        4. 为灵修部分定义永久链接段(URL路径)。

          (e.g.: “read/devotionals” if your main devotionals page should live under the “read” section.)

        5. (例如,如果您的主要灵修页面应位于“阅读”部分下,则为“读/灵修”。)

        6. Choose to use standard archives or a customized page that lists your devotionals.
        7. 选择使用标准档案或列出您的灵修内容的自定义页面。

        8. Optionally, enable biblegateway.com links in your RSS Feed to link to the main scripture reference for each of your devotionals.

        9. (可选)在RSS Feed中启用biblegateway.com链接以链接到每个灵修的主要经文参考。

          Then define a default version of the Bible you want to use on biblegateway.com.


          (For example, if you want to use the New Living Translation on biblegateway, enter “NLT” for your default version. You can discover which versions biblegateway.com offers from the dropdown in their top search bar. Please note that biblegateway.com may

          (例如,如果您想在biblegateway上使用“新生活翻译”,请输入“ NLT”作为默认版本。您可以从顶部搜索栏中的下拉菜单中找到biblegateway.com提供的版本。请注意,biblegateway.com可能会

          not offer both New Testament and Old Testament searches in some non-English translations of the Bible.)

        10. 不在圣经的某些非英语翻译中同时提供新约和旧约的搜索。)

        11. Optionally, if you want to offer an easy “Tweet This” button below each devotional's pull-quote, then you will need to add your bit.ly login and API key so that the url of each devotional can be shortened and included

        12. (可选)如果您想在每个灵修的拉引号下方提供一个简单的“ Tweet This”按钮,则需要添加您的bit.ly登录名和API密钥,以便可以缩短和包含每个灵修的url。

          in the tweet.


          If most of your devotionals are written by a main pastor, then select the main author’s WP user account from the Default Author dropdown, and then define their twitter handle by editing their user profile.

        13. 如果您的大部分奉献都是由一位主要牧师编写的,则从“默认作者”下拉列表中选择主要作者的WP用户帐户,然后通过编辑其用户资料来定义其Twitter句柄。





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