[wordpress插件] Display CPG Thumbnails显示CPG缩略图

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-19 09:01 528 0 全屏看文



The plugin is intended to create a number of links which you can display on your wordpress page.


Each link is represented by a thumbnail image which exists within the associated CPG Gallery.


Clicking on a link will take you to the associated picture within the CPG application.


There are a number of parameters which indicate how many images to display per row and how many columns, along with size information and flexible caption (user defined information).


As one of the parameter driven data points which can be used in the caption is user name.


For this reason the plugin will work correctly if the CPG Gallery is ‘bridged’ to phpbb or not (in the case in which it is bridged, the user name is pulled from the phpbb database).

因此,无论CPG Gallery是否“桥接”到phpbb,插件都可以正常工作(在桥接的情况下,用户名是从phpbb数据库中提取的。)

One of the very nice features of the plug in is that you can specify the maximum number of images for one user (or the maximum number of images for one album).


If you are displaying the latest uploaded images and one user has just uploaded a bunch of images, this helps keep the display ‘balanced’ and present a cross section of images on your page.



    1. Copy to your plugin folder.
    2. 复制到您的插件文件夹。

    3. Activate the plugin.
    4. 激活插件。

    5. Go to Widgets.

    6. 转到小部件。

    7. Drag the widget to the desired sidebar.
    8. 将小部件拖动到所需的侧边栏。

    9. Establish the required parameter values on the Widget Screen.
    10. 在窗口小部件屏幕上建立所需的参数值。

    11. Edit and set the DEFINE statemtents to correspond with your environment in the script ‘DisplayCPGThumbnailsGuts.php’.
    12. 在脚本“ DisplayCPGThumbnailsGuts.php”中编辑并设置DEFINE状态要与您的环境相对应。

    Widget Setup


      • Title: Type in the desired title.
      • 标题:输入所需的标题。

      • CPG Config Location: This is the file location of your CPG Config file.

      • CPG配置位置:这是CPG配置文件的文件位置。

        There is a Document Root Path display on the bottom of the screen to help you with this.


        This file is in your CPG Directory and is conifg.inc.php.


        The indicated location is the full file location and not the URL.


      • Random or Update: This radio box selects if the display of selected thumbnails is random or update.
      • 随机或更新:此单选框选择所选缩略图的显示是随机还是更新。

      • Number Images: The number of images to be displayed, must be a numeric integer value between 1 and 100 inclusive.
      • 图片数量:要显示的图片数量,必须是1到100之间的数字整数值。

      • Max Per Album: The maximum number of images that can be displayed from any one album.

      • 每个相册的最大数量:任何一个相册可以显示的最大图像数量。

        A value of -1 means the field is ignored.


        Values allowed are between 1 and 5 inclusive.

      • 允许的值在1到5之间(包括1和5)。

      • Max Per User: The maximum number of images to be displayed from any one user.

      • 每个用户的最大数量:任何一个用户要显示的最大图像数量。

        A value of -1 means the field is ignored.


        Values allowed are between 1 and 5 inclusive.

      • 允许的值在1到5之间(包括1和5)。

      • Thumb Width: The maximum width of the thumbnail displayed, in pixels.

      • 缩略图宽度:显示的缩略图的最大宽度,以像素为单位。

        A value of -1 means the field is ignored.


        Valid values are between 50 and 100 inclusive.

      • 有效值介于50和100之间。

      • Thumb Height: The maximum height of the displayed thumbnail in pixels.

      • 缩略图高度:显示的缩略图的最大高度(以像素为单位)。

        A value of -1 means the field is ignored.


        Valid values are between 50 and 100 inclusive.

      • 有效值介于50和100之间。

      • NBR of TBL Cols: The number of columns displayed.


      • NBR:显示的列数。

        If -1 is entered the output is not returned as a html table, otherwise values must be between 1 and 12 inclusive.


      • Caption Options: This controls the captioning text.

      • 字幕选项:控制字幕文本。

        Valid options are ‘USR’ (for user name), ‘DTE’ (for upload date), ‘TIT’ (for picture title) and ‘CAP’ (for picture caption).

        有效选项为“ USR”(用于用户名),“ DTE”(用于上传日期),“ TIT”(用于图片标题)和“ CAP”(用于图片标题)。

        These are entered as you want text displayed below your thumbnails.


        The values are entered separated by ‘/’, eg.

        输入的值以“ /”分隔,例如。

        DTE/TIT to display only a date and title.

      • DTE / TIT仅显示日期和标题。

      • Caption Prefixes: The prefix displayed before the caption option.

      • 字幕前缀:在字幕选项之前显示的前缀。

        These are entered separated by ‘/’ and are free text.

      • 这些输入用“ /”分隔,是自由文本。

      • Caption Lengths: Indicates the length in bytes of the associated caption option.
      • 字幕长度:指示相关字幕选项的长度(以字节为单位)。

      • Caption Cont.

      • 字幕续

        Text: This is the text you want after the max length has been reached and that caption option has been trunctated.


        For example, ‘…’ would do something like ‘my new do…’ if the length was set to 9.

      • 例如,如果长度设置为9,则“…”将执行类似“我的新动作…”的操作。

      • Document Root Path: For display only.

      • 文档根路径:仅用于显示。

        Indicates the root file path.


        This will be helpful in setting up the CPG Config Location.

      • 这将有助于设置CPG配置位置。

      • Parameter Validation Return Area: For display only.

      • 参数验证返回区:仅用于显示。

        Indicates if there are any errors.

      • 指示是否存在任何错误。

      Defines in DisplayCPGTHumbnailsGuts.php


      You will need to set up these variables depending on your requirements and setup.


      The only item that is mandatory to set is the BRIDGEDtoPHPBB3.


      All of these items are defines in the script because once set up they will not normally ever need to be modified.
