[wordpress插件] Dokan Invoice道康发票

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-20 23:01 520 0 全屏看文



This is an add-on to use with Dokan<

这是与 Dokan <

/a> and Dokan lite plugin.

/ a>和 Dokan lite 插件。

And it is also dependent to WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips.

它还取决于 WooCommerce PDF发票和装箱单

See installation instructions for details.


WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips is a renowned plugin to use with WooCommerce to generate invoices and packing slips.

WooCommerce PDF发票和装箱单是一个著名的插件,可与WooCommerce一起使用来生成发票和装箱单。

We have made this add-on to make it compatible with the plugin.


    • Admin can generate invoices from wp-admin → WooCommerce → Orders for parent and sub-orders
    • 管理员可以从 wp-admin→WooCommerce→订单生成父订单和子订单的发票

    • Customers can download invoices for their completed orders from my-account page.
    • 客户可以从 my-account 页面下载已完成订单的发票。

    • Sellers can generate invoices for their orders from dashboard → Orders.
    • 卖家可以从 dashboard→订单为其订单生成发票。

    All the invoices generated while the above mentioned plugin and this add-on, will contain the store name that sold the products to the customer.



    1. Navigate to wp-admin → Plugins and make sure either Dokan Lite or the paid version of Dokan is installed and activated.
    2. 导航至wp-admin→插件,并确保已安装并激活Dokan Lite或Dokan的付费版本。

    3. Click Add New and type “WooCommerce PDF Invoices” in the search box and hit enter to search.
    4. 点击添加新,然后在搜索框中键入“ WooCommerce PDF发票”,然后按Enter键进行搜索。

    5. If the plugin author is Ewout Fernhout, then that plugin is the right one;

    6. 如果插件作者是 Ewout Fernhout ,则该插件是正确的;

      hit install and activate.

    7. 点击安装并激活。

    8. Now come back to the plugins page and click Add New and type “Dokan Invoice” in the search box and hit enter to search.
    9. 现在返回到插件页面,然后单击添加新,然后在搜索框中键入“ Dokan发票”,然后按Enter键进行搜索。

    10. No one else will make an add-on for other than us and you will definitely see the author name weDevs, so hit install.
    11. 除了我们以外,没有其他人可以为我们添加附件,您肯定会看到作者名 weDevs ,因此请点击install。

    12. Now you’re done and no configuration is required.
    13. 现在您已经完成,不需要任何配置。

    To know about the usage and the features, please read the documentation for How to install and use Dokan Invoice

    /“ rel =” nofollow“>如何安装和使用Dokan发票

