[wordpress插件] All In One Redirection一站式重定向

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-16 01:40 643 0 全屏看文






Best ways that indicate the page has Permanently/Temporary moved to a new location.


Best recommended to set up 301 redirects in 1:1 relationship in WordPress when you change the URLs of your posts and pages or move your website from one domain to another to manage their page rank (or

当您更改帖子和页面的URL或将网站从一个域移动到另一个域以管理其页面排名时,最好建议在WordPress中以 1:1关系的方式设置301重定向。

what-have-you) will be passed along to them.


Manage redirection list with Access Date, Source URL, Referrer, Access IP and Hits.


Manage the requested URL structure with host and www settings.

使用主机和www 设置管理请求的URL结构。

Don’t require to write rules in Apache .htaccess – it works entirely inside WordPress.

不需要在Apache .htaccess中编写规则-它完全可以在WordPress中运行。

Eg: If you need to redirect all the old 'HTTP' URL to new secure 'HTTPS' URL then you just need to activate the plugin, it will set destination URL based on your WordPress Site

例如::如果您需要将所有旧的“ HTTP” URL重定向到新的安全“ HTTPS” URL,则只需激活插件,它将根据您的WordPress网站设置目标URL

URL and if you want to do custom settings in host/www then you can change it from Redirection Setting in plugin menu.

URL,如果要在主机/ www中进行自定义设置,则可以从插件菜单中的“重定向设置”进行更改。

Keep tracking of 404 pages and redirect on relevant pages – Capture 404 pages from the website with their Access Date, Source URL, Referrer, Access IP, Hits, easily find that URLs and redirect it to

跟踪404页面并在相关页面上重定向 –通过网站的访问日期,源URL,引荐来源网址,访问IP,点击次数来捕获404页面,轻松找到该URL并将其重定向到

relevant pages with Action tab.


Bulk Import/Export – Download/Upload redirection URLs in csv format from Tool in plugin menu.

批量导入/导出 –从插件菜单中的“工具”中以csv格式下载/上传重定向URL。

It’s 100% free!


Need Support? wp.support@vsourz.com

需要支持吗? wp.support@vsourz.com



    • 301/302 Redirection.
    • 301/302重定向。

    • All redirection is occur based on 1:1 relationship for best SEO practice.
    • 所有重定向均基于 1:1关系进行,以实现最佳SEO实践。

    • Bulk Import/Export in CSV format of redirection list.
    • 以重定向列表的CSV格式批量导入/导出

    • Full logs of all redirected URLs with Last Access Date, Referrer URL and Access IP address.
    • 所有重定向URL的完整日志,包括上次访问日期,引荐来源网址和访问IP地址。

    • You can find the number of Hits in redirection links.
    • 您可以在重定向链接中找到点击数。

    • Redirection based on Regular Expression.
    • 基于正则表达式的重定向。

    • Option to hide the URL redirection, so you can exclude any URL from redirection list.
    • 用于隐藏URL重定向的选项,因此您可以从重定向列表中排除任何URL。

    • Exclude the back-end from redirection
    • 将后端排除在重定向之外

    • Entire website redirected on another website
    • 整个网站重定向到另一个网站上

    • Multiple Update/Delete option.
    • 多个更新/删除选项。

    • Auto 404 page Tracking with Access Date, Source URL, Referrer, Access IP.
    • 自动404页面跟踪,其中包含访问日期,源URL,引荐来源网址,访问IP。

    • Custom Redirection based on host and www setting.
    • 自定义重定向(基于主机和www设置)。

    • Apache .htaccess is not required – works entirely inside WordPress.
    • 不需要Apache .htaccess –完全在WordPress内运行。

    • WWW to NON-WWW and NON-WWW to WWW redirection without Apache .htaccess rules.
    • 没有Apache .htaccess规则的WWW到NONWWW和NON-WWW到WWW重定向。

    • HTTP to HTTPS and HTTPS to HTTP redirection without Apache .htaccess rules.
    • 没有Apache .htaccess规则的HTTP到HTTPS和HTTPS到HTTP重定向。

    How to use?


      1. Install and activate the plugin.
      2. 安装并激活插件。

      3. Add new redirection rule.
      4. 添加新的重定向规则。

      5. You need to save the Redirection Setting once if you change the domain.
      6. 如果更改域,则需要保存一次重定向设置。



      GPLv2 – https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

      GPLv2 – https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html


Install via WordPress Admin


    1. Ready the zip file of the plugin
    2. 准备好插件的zip文件

    3. Go to Admin > Plugins > Add New
    4. 转到管理>插件>添加新

    5. On the upper portion click the Upload link
    6. 在上部单击“上传”链接

    7. Using the file upload field, upload the plugin zip file here and activate the plugin
    8. 使用文件上传字段,在此处上传插件zip文件并激活插件

    Install via FTP


      1. First, unzip the plugin file
      2. 首先,解压缩插件文件

      3. Using FTP go to your server’s wp-content/plugins directory
      4. 使用FTP转到服务器的wp-content / plugins目录

      5. Upload the unzipped plugin here
      6. 在此处上传解压缩的插件

      7. Once finished login into your WP Admin and go to Admin > Plugins
      8. 完成登录WP管理员后,转到Admin>插件

      9. Look for ‘All In One Redirection’ and activate it
      10. 寻找“一站式重定向”并激活它




