[wordpress插件] AMD Bible ReadingAMD圣经阅读

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-17 15:40 555 0 全屏看文



While building a website for a church I started searching for a plugin that would show a daily KJV Bible reading plan on the site.


I also thought it would be great if it also included a widget that would show a snippet of the daily passage and then link to the full reading page.


I could not find what I was looking for so I started the endeavor of developing one myself.


Now I am distributing my own daily Bible reading plugin.


Please use freely and modify to fit your needs.


If you have recommendations I would love to hear them.


About AMD Bible Reading?


I have built this plugin to be the very best King James Version (KJV) Bible Daily Reading Plugin for WordPress.

我已将该插件构建为WordPress的最佳King James版本(KJV)圣经每日阅读插件。

I have set forth to make this plugin very simple and easy to use.


This plugin will generate one widget, “Daily Bible Snippet”, and provides support for four shortcodes [amd_bible_devo];

该插件将生成一个小部件“每日圣经片段”,并支持四个短代码 [amd_bible_devo]


[amd_bible_daily] ;


[amd_bible_rand] ;

and [amd_bible].


Passages references are accepted in almost every variety.


If you have an example of a reference that does not work like it should, please let us know.


Here are some example references:


    • Gen.

    • Gen。


    • 1-3

    • Gen 1:1-10
    • Gen 1:1-10

    • Genesis 1:1-5, 7, 10;

    • 创世纪1:1-5,7,10;


    • 2

    • 1King 1, 3, 4:5-9;

    • 1King 1,3,4:5-9;


    • 5

    • First Kings 2
    • 第一国王2

    • II Kings 1;

    • II王1;

      John 4

    • 约翰4

    • John 1:1, 2:4-10
    • 约翰1:1,2:4-10

    • Jude
    • 裘德


    1. Upload “amd-bible-reading” to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory.
    2. 将“ amd-bible-reading” 上传到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录。

    3. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单

    5. 激活插件

    6. Select Your Reading Plan by navigating to AMD Settings and set the ‘Selected Plan’ option.


    7. 选择您的阅读计划,然后设置“选定计划”选项。

      This will set the reading plan for the [amd_bible_daily] shortcode and the widget

    8. 这将为[amd_bible_daily]短代码和小部件设置阅读计划

    9. Set Standardize References Option by navigating to AMD Settings, and set your preference for the ‘Standardize CX References’ option.


    10. 设置“标准化参考”选项,然后为“标准化CX参考”选项设置首选项。

      Leaving this option checked will force Complex References to become formatted before displaying on the front-end using the [amd_bible_daily] shortcode or widget.

    11. 取消选中此选项将强制复杂引用在使用[amd_bible_daily]短代码或窗口小部件显示在前端之前进行格式化。

    12. Create a Bible Reading Page by editing or creating a new page and enter the [amd_bible_daily] shortcode into the content and publish the page.


    13. 创建圣经阅读页面,然后在内容中输入 [amd_bible_daily] 简码并发布页面。

      There are 14 attributes that can be used to control how the passage is displayed.


      The defaults vary depending on the inline attribute.


      Please refer to FAQ for more information.

    14. 请参阅常见问题解答以获取更多信息。

    15. Add the Daily Bible Snippet Widget to your selected sidebar.

    16. 将“每日圣经摘要”窗口小部件添加到所选的侧边栏中。

      There are 8 options for the Widget.


        1. Select the Reading Plan to use for the widget instance.
        2. 选择要用于小部件实例的阅读计划。

        3. Scripture starts with Reference inline?

        4. 圣经以参考内联开头吗?

          When this option is checked, the scripture will begin with the reference.


          This is helpful if using a custom widget title.


        5. Use Reference for Title?

        6. 使用标题参考吗?

          When this option is checked, The title will default to the Reference for the daily scripture passage(s).

        7. 选中此选项后,每日经文的标题将默认为参考。

        8. Title: this input will be used as the title given that the reference is not used by the previous option.
        9. 标题:如果先前的选项未使用该引用,则此输入将用作标题。

        10. Limit Type: this will define how the passage is limited.

        11. 限制类型:这将定义段落的限制方式。

          The options are ‘words’ or ‘verses’.


          If the limit type is set to words, the last verse will most likely be interrupted, but the content will be more of a standard length.

        12. 如果将限制类型设置为单词,则最有可能会打断最后一节经文,但其内容将更多为标准长度。

        13. Limit: using the limit type in the previous option this option defines how many items to display.
        14. 限制:使用上一个选项中的限制类型,此选项定义要显示的项目数。

        15. Full Reading Page: select the page created in the previous setup step.

        16. 完整阅读页面:选择在上一个设置步骤中创建的页面。

          This will show the full daily Bible reading utilizing the [amd_bible_daily] shortcode.

        17. 这将显示使用 [amd_bible_daily] 简码的每日圣经全文阅读。

        18. Read More Text: this input controls what text is displayed on the page linked to in the previous setting.

        19. 阅读更多文本:此输入控制在先前设置中链接到的页面上显示什么文本。

          make sure to save your settings.

        20. 确保保存您的设置。

      Displaying the Daily Devotional Morning/Evening


      I have found Charles Spurgeon Devotionals to be very encouraging and uplifting and have decided to include them in this plugin by utilizing another shortcode [amd_bible_devo].

      我发现Charles Spurgeon Devotionals非常令人振奋和振奋,并决定通过使用另一个简码 [amd_bible_devo] 将它们包含在此插件中。

      The steps to adding this into your content are very simple and can be done on any post or page.


      Simply add the [amd_bible_devo] shortcode into your content at the desired location.

      只需将 [amd_bible_devo] 简码添加到您所需内容中的内容中即可。

      At this time there is no option to display a different devotion than the one that is current for the specific time of day and date.


      Displaying a random verse


      Random verses can now be displayed using the new shortcode [amd_bible_rand].


      There are four main attributes that can be utilized to determine where the random verse is selected from:


      * ot – (boolean) when setting to true this will show verses from the old testament only

      * ot –(布尔值)设置为true时,将仅显示旧约的经文

      * nt – (boolean) when setting to true this will show verses from the new testament only

      * nt –(布尔值)设置为true时,将仅显示新约中的经文

      * book – (numeric or string: book name, or book abbreviation) when set verses will originate from selected *book

      * book –(数字或字符串:书名或书的缩写),当经文来自所选的* book

      * chapter – (numeric) when setting along with book attribute, this will determine from which chapter the verses will originate

      * 章节 –(数字)与书本属性一起设置时,这将确定经文从哪一章开始

      * most_read – (boolean) when setting to true this will show verses from a list of the top read 100 Bible verses from a study conducted by biblegateway.com

      * most_read –(布尔值)设置为true时,将显示来自biblegateway.com进行的一项研究的前100个圣经经文列表中的经文

      * essential – (boolean) when setting to true this will show verses from a list of Bible verses essential to the Christian life.

      * 基本 –(布尔值)设置为true时,将显示基督教生活必不可少的圣经经文清单中的经文。

      These verses cover the following topics: Victorious Life, Romans Road, Assurance, Baptism, Believe in Christ, Bible, Biblical Inspiration, Christ's Sacrifice, Dedication, Friendship, Forgiveness of Sins, Guidance, Hell, Home, Law, Local Church, One Way


      of Salvation, Others, Peace, Principles, Problem Solving, Procrastination, Salvation without Works, Second Coming, Victory over Satan, Witnessing


      Displaying Passages directly using shortcodes with complex references


      Bible verses and passages can now be displayed anywhere shortcodes are accepted using the shortcode [amd_bible]Your Reference[/amd_bible].

      现在可以使用简码 [amd_bible]您的参考资料[/ amd_bible] 在接受简码的任何地方显示圣经经文和段落。

      Replace ‘Your Reference’ with any simple or complex Bible Reference.


      There are eight attributes that can be used to control how the passage is displayed.


      The defaults vary depending on the inline attribute.


      Please refer to FAQ for more information.


      Local hosting your Libraries


      Decide to use either the default API or import and use local database library.


      On the AMD Settings page, you will see two settings: Use local Bible database and Use local devotional database.

      在“ AMD设置”页面上,您将看到两个设置:使用本地Bible数据库和使用本地灵修数据库。

      Before activating these check-boxes, you will first need to import the library data using the AMD Library admin page.

      在激活这些复选框之前,您首先需要使用AMD Library admin页面导入库数据。

        1. Navigate to AMD Library and download the CSV files using the two download links.
        2. 导航到AMD Library并使用两个下载链接下载CSV文件。

        3. For the KJV Bible, choose your downloaded amdbible_kjv.csv file
        4. 对于KJV圣经,请选择下载的amdbible_kjv.csv文件

        5. Click the Import Bible button.
        6. 点击导入圣经按钮。

        7. For the Devotional, choose your downloaded amdbible_devos.csv file
        8. 对于灵修,请选择下载的amdbible_devos.csv文件

        9. Click the Import Devo button.
        10. 点击导入Devo按钮。

        11. Navigate to AMD Settings and check the box for ‘Use local Bible database’ and ‘Use local devotional database’
        12. 导航至AMD设置,然后选中“使用本地圣经数据库”和“使用本地灵修数据库”框

        Editing Reading Plans


        Complex and Custom Reading Plans are Here!


        It is now possible to edit existing Bible Reading Plans and even add new plans.


        Navigate to AMD Settings -> Plan Editor, and either create a new plan or choose an existing plan to edit.


        New plans cannot have the same names as existing plans.


        After creating the plan please add the plan details before selecting the plan in AMD Settings as the chosen plan.

        创建计划后,请添加计划详细信息,然后在“ AMD设置”中选择计划作为所选计划。

        This will prevent your widget and shortcodes from displaying no passages.


        Plans can either use complex references or simple references (leaving complex references unchecked).


        With simple references there will be two input fields for each date, starting reference and ending reference.


        Only simple, single verse references can be used in this format.


        To easily indicate the end of the chapter verse ‘999’ can be used, for instance, ‘Genesis 4:999’ will show up to all of the verses in chapter 4 of Genesis.


        Book abbreviations can be used such as “Gen” for Genesis.

        可以使用书本缩写,例如“创世记”的“ Gen”。

        With complex references, you have an additional option to upload a CSV file to easily and quickly insert your custom reading plan from your favorite source.


        CSV files must be comma delimited with no headers and column 1 being the day of the year and column 2 being the corresponding complex reference.


        Complex references can consist of varying diversities.


        Be sure to Save Changes before navigating away from the plan editor page or your changes will be lost.


        CAUTION! changing a plan from a simple to complex or vice versa and saving valid data will erase the alternate settings.


        You could easily erase an entire plan this way.


        Restoring All Data to original


        In order to restore all data to the original installation, you will need to delete the plugin and all associated data and reinstall.


        To do this before uninstalling or deactivating the plugin, you will need to check the “Delete Database Data” option.


        This will erase any custom reading plans you may have created.






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