[wordpress插件] Animated Counters动画柜台

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-18 14:00 599 0 全屏看文



Plugin for Animated Counters shortcodes.


    • English :
    • 英语

    Add a shortcode to make some animated counters.


    Make your own animated counter by using the shortcode like this example : [animatedcounter count=”100″]

    使用类似于以下示例的短代码制作自己的动画计数器:[animatedcounter count =” 100”]

    You can customize each counter with these options :


    [animatedcounter count=”100″ duration=”1000″]

    [动画计数器计数=“ 100”持续时间=“ 1000”]

    [animatedcounter count=”100″ css=”my_css_class”]

    [animatedcounter count =“ 100” css =“ my_css_class”]

    [animatedcounter count=”100″ id=”my_unique_id”]

    [animatedcounter count =“ 100” id =“ my_unique_id”]

    [animatedcounter count=”100″ color=”blue”]

    [动画计数器计数=“ 100”颜色=“蓝色”]

    [animatedcounter count=”100″ size=”100px”]

    [动画计数器计数=“ 100”大小=“ 100px”]

    [animatedcounter count=”100″ duration=”1000″ css=”my_css_class” id=”my_unique_id” color=”blue” size=”100px”]

    [animatedcounter count =” 100” duration =” 1000” css =” my_css_class” id =“ my_unique_id” color =” blue“ size =” 100px“]

    If you have a problem, you can contact me.


      • Français :
      • 法语

      Ajoute un shortcode pour créer des compteurs animés.


      Créez votre compteur animé en utilisant le shortcode comme cet exemple : [animatedcounter count=”100″]

      Créezvotre compantur动画和短代码通用示例:[animatedcounter count =“ 100”]

      Vous pouvez personnaliser chaque compteur avec ces options :

      Vous pouvez personnaliser chaque compteur avec ces选项:

      [animatedcounter count=”100″ duration=”1000″]

      [动画计数器计数=“ 100”持续时间=“ 1000”]

      [animatedcounter count=”100″ css=”my_css_class”]

      [animatedcounter count =“ 100” css =“ my_css_class”]

      [animatedcounter count=”100″ id=”my_unique_id”]

      [animatedcounter count =“ 100” id =“ my_unique_id”]

      [animatedcounter count=”100″ color=”blue”]

      [动画计数器计数=“ 100”颜色=“蓝色”]

      [animatedcounter count=”100″ size=”100px”]

      [动画计数器计数=“ 100”大小=“ 100px”]

      [animatedcounter count=”100″ duration=”1000″ css=”my_css_class” id=”my_unique_id” color=”blue” size=”100px”]

      [animatedcounter count =” 100” duration =” 1000” css =” my_css_class” id =“ my_unique_id” color =” blue“ size =” 100px“]

      Si vous rencontrez un soucis, vous pouvez me contacter.

      Vous rencontrez un soucis,vous pouvez 我的联系人



        • English :
        • 英语

        Add a shortcode to make some animated counters.


        Make your own animated counter by using the shortcode like this example : [animatedcounter count=”100″]

        使用类似于以下示例的短代码制作自己的动画计数器:[animatedcounter count =” 100”]

        You can customize each counter with these options :


        [animatedcounter count=”100″ duration=”1000″]

        [动画计数器计数=“ 100”持续时间=“ 1000”]

        [animatedcounter count=”100″ css=”my_css_class”]

        [animatedcounter count =“ 100” css =“ my_css_class”]

        [animatedcounter count=”100″ id=”my_unique_id”]

        [animatedcounter count =“ 100” id =“ my_unique_id”]

        [animatedcounter count=”100″ color=”blue”]

        [动画计数器计数=“ 100”颜色=“蓝色”]

        [animatedcounter count=”100″ size=”100px”]

        [动画计数器计数=“ 100”大小=“ 100px”]

        [animatedcounter count=”100″ duration=”1000″ css=”my_css_class” id=”my_unique_id” color=”blue” size=”100px”]

        [animatedcounter count =“ 100” duration =“ 1000” css =“ my_css_class” id =“ my_unique_id” color =“ blue” size =“ 100px”]

        If you have a problem, you can contact me.


          • Français :
          • 法语

          Ajoute un shortcode pour créer des compteurs animés.


          Créez votre compteur animé en utilisant le shortcode comme cet exemple : [animatedcounter count=”100″]

          Créezvotre compantur动画和短代码通用示例:[animatedcounter count =“ 100”]

          Vous pouvez personnaliser chaque compteur avec ces options :

          Vous pouvez personnaliser chaque compteur avec ces选项:

          [animatedcounter count=”100″ duration=”1000″]

          [动画计数器计数=“ 100”持续时间=“ 1000”]

          [animatedcounter count=”100″ css=”my_css_class”]

          [animatedcounter count =“ 100” css =“ my_css_class”]

          [animatedcounter count=”100″ id=”my_unique_id”]

          [animatedcounter count =“ 100” id =“ my_unique_id”]

          [animatedcounter count=”100″ color=”blue”]

          [动画计数器计数=“ 100”颜色=“蓝色”]

          [animatedcounter count=”100″ size=”100px”]

          [动画计数器计数=“ 100”大小=“ 100px”]

          [animatedcounter count=”100″ duration=”1000″ css=”my_css_class” id=”my_unique_id” color=”blue” size=”100px”]

          [animatedcounter count =“ 100” duration =“ 1000” css =“ my_css_class” id =“ my_unique_id” color =“ blue” size =“ 100px”]

          Si vous rencontrez un soucis, vous pouvez me contacter.

          vous rencontrez un soucis,vous pouvez 我的联系人


    • English :
    • 英文


    1. Download animatedcounters.zip from the “download” link on the web page where you’re viewing this.
    2. 从您正在查看网页的“下载”链接中下载animationcounters.zip。

    3. Decompress the file contents.
    4. 解压缩文件内容。

    5. Upload the animatedcounters folder to your WordPress plugins directory (/wp-content/plugins/).
    6. 将animationcounters文件夹上载到您的WordPress插件目录(/ wp-content / plugins /)。

    7. Activate the Animated Counters plugin from the WordPress back-office.
    8. 从WordPress后台激活Animated Counters插件。

      • Français :
      • 法语


      1. Téléchargez animatedcounters.zip sur le lien de téléchargement sur cette même page.
      2. 从同一页面上的下载链接下载animatedcounters.zip。

      3. Décompressez l’archive téléchargée.
      4. 解压缩下载的档案。

      5. Mettez en ligne le dossier animatedcounters dans votre dossier de plugins (/wp-content/plugins/).
      6. 将animationcounters文件夹上载到您的plugins文件夹(/ wp-content / plugins /)。

      7. Activez le plugin Animated Counters depuis les extentions.
      8. 从扩展区激活Animated Counters插件。

