[wordpress插件] Another Twitter Plugin另一个Twitter插件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-18 23:30 624 0 全屏看文



Did you ever want Twitter plugin that allows you to setup multiple hashtags or usernames, collect new tweets on selected time and on top of that, you can define style and format as you wish for displaying ?


Look no more, Another Twitter Plugin is here, yes it is “another” one of that plugins, but this one you want to have and it will save you time.


A few options:


    • Enable/Disable auto collecting new data
    • 启用/禁用自动收集新数据

    • Reset old Tweets
    • 重置旧推文

    • Define up to 5 usernames or hashtags you want to collect tweets from
    • 最多定义5个您要从中收集推文的用户名或主题标签

    • Choose what information to display and how
    • 选择要显示哪些信息以及如何显示

    • Choose how often to collect new data
    • 选择多长时间收集一次新数据

    • Choose how much tweets to save/display on yor website
    • 选择要在您的网站上保存/显示多少条推文

    How It’s Made?


    This plugin was made using Abraham Williams script for Abraham Williams 脚本制作的

    /twitteroauth" rel="nofollow">Twitter oAuth , you can find Another Twitter Plugin on Github

    / twitteroauth“ rel =” nofollow“> Twitter oAuth ,您可以在Github上找到另一个Twitter插件

    >here or you can contact me if you need any help.



    1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/another-twitter-extension directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
    2. 将插件文件上传到 / wp-content / plugins / another-twitter-extension 目录,或直接通过WordPress插件屏幕安装插件。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”屏幕激活插件

    5. Find Another Twitter-> Twitter Settings in your Admin Panel and add your twitter application.
    6. 在管理面板中找到另一个Twitter-> Twitter设置,然后添加您的Twitter应用程序。

    7. Find Another Twitter-> Plugin Settings in your Admin Panel and setup your hashtags/usernames.
    8. 在管理面板中找到另一个Twitter->插件设置,并设置您的标签/用户名。

    9. Find Another Twitter-> Dashboard in your Admin Panel and enable plugin.
    10. 在管理面板中找到另一个Twitter->仪表板并启用插件。

    11. Copy the Shortcode [dt_atp_twitter] :
    12. 复制简码 [dt_atp_twitter]

      • If you want to add it to sidebar follow this :

      • 如果要将其添加到侧边栏,请遵循以下步骤:


      • http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-use-shortcodes-in-your-wordpress-sidebar-widgets/data

      • If you want to add it directly to your source code, just add this to your code:

      • 如果要直接将其添加到源代码中,只需将其添加到代码中: <?php echo do_shortcode('[dt_atp_twitter]');


      • ?>

      • If you want to add it to some kind of post, just add this to your post text: [dt_atp_twitter]
      • 如果要将其添加到某种帖子中,只需将其添加到帖子文本中: [dt_atp_twitter]

