[wordpress插件] Community Lite Video Chat社区精简版视频聊天

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-26 05:20 543 0 全屏看文



The Community Lite video chat plugin for WordPress adds group video chat, rich text chat with emoticons and YouTube videos, file sharing, public and private chat rooms, music rooms and more to your WordPress website by integrating AVChat – the powerful video chat

用于WordPress的社区精简版视频聊天插件通过集成AVChat –强大的视频聊天功能,在您的WordPress网站上添加了群组视频聊天,带有表情符号和YouTube视频的富文本聊天,文件共享,公共和私人聊天室,音乐室等。



This plugin will take care of :


    • username & avatar integration (users logged in the WordPress web site will not have to login again in the video chat )
    • 用户名和头像集成(登录WordPress网站的用户将不必在视频聊天中再次登录)

    • permissions & features for each user role (you can change them from your WordPress admin area)
    • 每个用户角色的权限和功能(您可以在WordPress管理区域中对其进行更改)

    • BuddyPress compatibility: BuddyPress avatars are automatically recognised and added to users profiles in the video chat (user profiles can be accessed directly from AVChat also)
    • BuddyPress兼容性:BuddyPress化身会自动识别并添加到视频聊天中的用户个人资料中(也可以直接从AVChat访问用户个人资料)

    • iPhone/iPad/Android detection: the plugin will detect if the user is on a mobile device and deliver the mobile version of AVChat (the mobile version can be purchased separately)
    • iPhone / iPad / Android检测:该插件将检测用户是否在移动设备上,并提供AVChat的移动版本(移动版本可以单独购买)

    Other features include :


      • simple install: it installs as any other WordPress plugin
      • 简单安装:与其他任何WordPress插件一样安装

      • compatible with SEO friendly URL’s in WordPress
      • 与WordPress中的SEO友好网址兼容

      • customisable design: the chat looks and feel can be changed to fit with your existing WordPress theme
      • 可定制的设计:可以更改聊天外观,以适合您现有的WordPress主题

      Grant access and features per user role


      All the features can be enabled or disabled for each user group in your website.


      For example members can have access to video chat while visitors might not.


      It’s up to you to decide what each user role can do in the video chat.


      Ad & membership based revenue


      Ads can be shown around the chat to increase web site revenues or you can charge a monthly membership fee (3rd party plugin required) for access to the video chat.


      New 2.0 version


      All new backend interface with direct access to the video chat, a new feedback form, detailed descriptions for each option and tabbed backend menu for easier navigation.


      Clients & reviews


      ★★★★ 2000+ clients already use AVChat on their WordPress websites ★★★★


      ★★★★ 5 STAR RATING on wordpress.org, check out the reviews below: ★★★★


        • “What a great experience, from discovering a plugin that did exactly what I needed, to a team that goes way above and beyond helping me get set up” by mindbodyseries
        • mindbodyseries “从发现一个完全满足我需要的插件,到超越帮助我建立团队的团队,这真是很棒的经历”

        • “Wow, I’d like to give a five-star to AVChat” by icndream
        • icmdream “哇,我想给AVChat五颗星”

        • “The service is second to none” by pssawhney
        • psemsawhney “服务无与伦比”

        Check out all the WP reviews at https://wordpress.org/support/view/plugin-



        评论/ avchat-3 。



          1. WordPress website or blog
          2. WordPress网站或博客

          3. AVChat
          4. AVChat

          5. Media server
          6. 媒体服务器

          AVChat is a powerful video chat platform.

          AVChat 是功能强大的视频聊天平台。

          It supports rooms, public and private video chat, moderators, private messages and more.


          You can purchase AVChat or get a 15 days trial from http://avchat.net.


          The media server handles all the audio, video and text data sent between chat users.


          You can host your own Red5, Wowza or AMS server or you can use our Red5 based media server hosting.




          Here are the top 5 reasons why webmasters choose this plugin:


          ① Increase members engagement


          ② Increase time spent on site 4X


          ③ Increase premium ad space (below and above the chat)


          ④ Increase membership revenue


          ⑤ Hassle free video chat for your members


          Other plugins


          The Community PRO plugin


          With the Community PRO video chat plugin you get more than 47 configuration options and permissions that you can customise for each user role, multisite support, Facebook & Twitter login.

          使用Community PRO视频聊天插件,您可以获得47种以上的配置选项和权限,可以针对每个用户角色,多站点支持,Facebook和Twitter登录自定义。

          Find out more about the PRO version at http://avchat.net/integrations/community-pro-video-chat-plugin.


          The Pay Per Session plugin


          With the Pay Per Session video chat plugin you can deliver pay per view and free one-on-one expert consultations & trainings online through video chat using WordPress, AVChat, PayPal and our PPS plugin.


          Find out more about the PPS version at http://avchat.net/integrations/pay-per-session-video-chat-plugin.


          The Community Lite video chat plugin for WordPress is licensed under GPL v2.

          用于WordPress的Community Lite视频聊天插件已获得GPL v2的许可。

          See the full text of the GPL v2 license in license.txt.

          请参阅license.txt中的GPL v2许可证全文。


Part 1: Installing the Community Lite video chat plugin

第1部分:安装Community Lite视频聊天插件

    1. In your WordPress backend (admin area), go to Plugins -> Add New and search for AVChat.

    2. 在您的WordPress后端(管理区域)中,转到插件->添加新,然后搜索 AVChat

      Click Install.


      If you prefer to install it manually, download the plugin archive from above and upload its contents to your /wp-content/plugins directory.

    3. 如果您希望手动安装,请从上方下载插件档案并将其内容上传到您的 / wp-content / plugins 目录。

    4. Activate it as you would do with any other plugin.
    5. 激活,就像使用其他任何插件一样。

    The plugin is now installed and activated but before the chat will show up on your website we still have to add the actual AVChat video chat software, connect it to a media server and place it in pages and blog posts.


    Let’s do it following the steps below!


    Part 2: Installing AVChat 3.x (the actual chat software)

    第2部分:安装AVChat 3.x(实际的聊天软件)

    You will need the AVChat software and a license key (trial or purchased).


    You can purchase AVChat from avchat.net/buy-now but you can also get a avchat.net/buy-now 购买AVChat,但也可以获取15 days free trial.

    http://avchat.net/15daystrial/'rel =“ nofollow”> 15天免费试用。

    After the order is made or a trial requested, you will receive an email with a link to your private client area from where you can download the AVChat software.


      1. Download AVChat from your private client area.
      2. 从您的私人客户区域

      3. 下载AVChat

      4. Unzip and upload the contents of Files to upload to your web site to your new /wp-content/plugins/avchat-3

      5. 解压缩并上传 要上传到您的网站的文件内容到新的 / wp-content / plugins / avchat-3



        Don’t worry, no folder or file will be overwritten!

      6. 不用担心,不会覆盖任何文件夹或文件!

      Part 3: Setting up the Media Server (Red5)


      AVChat uses a media server to send audio, video and text between users.


      AVChat supports the top three media servers: Red5 (free and open source, version 0.8 and 1.0RC1), Wowza (commercial, $55/month, free trial) and AMS from Adobe (commercial, $4500, free trial).


      To install any media server you need a cloud/VPS server with root ssh access.

      要安装任何介质服务器,您需要具有root ssh访问权限的云/ VPS服务器。

      At DigitalOcean.com, VPS servers start at $5/month, use this link to get a $10


      credit (2 months free).


      Installing Red5 1.0.5 on your own VPS:

      在自己的VPS上安装Red5 1.0.5:

        1. Download Red5 1.0.5 for your platform from GitHub

        2. GitHub 为您的平台下载Red5 1.0.5。

          a> or Mega.co.nz.

        3. a>或 Mega.co.nz

        4. If your cloud/VPS server runs Linux, unzip the Red5 archive and upload its contents to /opted5.

        5. 如果您的cloud / VPS服务器运行Linux,请解压缩Red5存档并将其内容上传到 / opt / red5

          If it runs Windows, install using the .exe file.

        6. 如果运行Windows,请使用 .exe 文件进行安装。

        7. The AVChat archive downloaded in Part 2 contains a Files to upload to your media server (Red5) folder.

        8. 第2部分中下载的AVChat存档包含一个要上传到您的媒体服务器(Red5)文件夹的文件。

          You’ll need to upload the avchat30 folder inside it to red5/webapps.

          您需要将其中的 avchat30 文件夹上传到 red5 / webapps

          Your final folder tree should look like this: red5/webapps/avchat30.

        9. 您的最终文件夹树应如下所示: red5 / webapps / avchat30

        10. Start Red5 by running ./start.sh on Linux terminal/shell or run start.bat on Windows.

        11. 通过在Linux终端/外壳上运行 ./ start.sh 来启动Red5,或者在Windows上运行 start.bat

          You will find these files in the main red5 folder.

        12. 您可以在 red5 主文件夹中找到这些文件。

        AVChat will use a connection string to know the media server it needs to connect to.


        Yours will be rtmp://my-media-server.com/avchat30/_definst_ where my-media-server.com is the server's domain name or IP address.<

        您的计算机将是 rtmp://my-media-server.com/avchat30/_definst_ ,其中 my-media-server.com 是服务器的域名或IP地址。<


        / p>

        Part 4: Finalizing installation


          1. Go to Community Lite -> Settings in your WordPress backend.
          2. 转到WordPress后端中的 Community Lite -> 设置

          3. In the Connection string field insert the connection string from Part 3 and click [Update Options] at the bottom.
          4. 连接字符串字段中,插入第3部分中的连接字符串,然后单击底部的[更新选项]。

          5. Now, to place the chat on your website, add the [chat-lite] short code anywhere in your WordPress pages or posts

          6. 现在,要将聊天记录放置在您的网站上,请在WordPress 页面帖子中的任意位置添加 [chat-lite] 短代码


            Visiting these pages or posts will now bring up the AVChat 3 Video Chat.

          7. 现在,访问这些页面或帖子将启动AVChat 3视频聊天。

          8. The first time you’ll login, you’ll be asked for a license key.

          9. 首次登录时,系统会要求您输入许可证密钥。

            You can find it in the private client area mentioned in Part 2.

          10. 您可以在第2部分中提到的私人客户区域中找到它。

          That’s it!


          If you need any help, we’re here for you.


          Ask us on WordPress.org or post


          in our forum.


          For the Community PRO plugin's installation instructions go to

          对于社区PRO 插件的安装说明,请访问

          ='http://docs.avchat.net/wordpress-community-pro' rel="nofollow">docs.avchat.net/wordpress-community-pro.

          ='http://docs.avchat.net/wordpress-community-pro'rel =“ nofollow”> docs.avchat.net/wordpress-community-pro 。

          For the Pay Per Session plugin's installation instructions go to




