[wordpress插件] AWS Automatic SESAWS自动SES

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-27 09:10 503 0 全屏看文



AWS Automatic SES configures WordPress run on an EC2 instance to use SES for email delivery.


This plugin is not for generic use of SES.


If you want to use SES outside of EC2 or have more control over the settings, then use another SES email plugin.

如果您想在EC2之外使用SES或对设置有更多控制权,请使用另一个 SES 电子邮件插件。



    • Region is automatically picked based on the region the EC2 instance is run in.
    • 根据运行EC2实例的区域自动选择区域。

    • The EC2 instance’s Role is used and expected to have the necessary permissions for sending raw emails.
    • 使用了EC2实例的角色,并期望它具有发送原始电子邮件的必要权限。

    • Only sender addresses verified for use with SES are used.
    • 仅使用经验证可与SES一起使用的发件人地址。

    AWS permissions:


      • ses:SendRawEmail (required) – Required for basic email sending functionality.
      • ses:SendRawEmail 必需)–基本的电子邮件发送功能必需。

      • ses:GetIdentityVerificationAttributes – If granted, will be used to warn if the default sender is not verified in SES.

      • ses:GetIdentityVerificationAttributes –如果被授予,则将用于警告如果未在SES中验证默认发件人。

        Required if you want AWS Automatic SES to permit the use of any from address that is verified in SES.

      • 如果您希望AWS Automatic SES允许使用SES中已验证的任何发件人地址,则为必填项。

      • ses:ListIdentities (optional) – Optionally used to display a short list of identities verified in SES on the settings page.
      • ses:ListIdentities 可选)–(可选)用于在设置页面上显示通过SES验证的简短身份列表。


    1. Install aws-auto-ses from the WordPress.org plugin repository.
    2. 从WordPress.org插件存储库安装aws-auto-ses。

    3. Activate it on your plugins page.
    4. 在您的插件页面上激活它。

    5. Use the SES Options settings page to ensure your role has the correct permissions and the sender(s) are verified.
    6. 使用 SES选项设置页来确保您的角色具有正确的权限,并且已验证发件人。

    7. On the SES Options page enable delivery via SES.
    8. SES选项页上,启用通过SES的投放。

