[wordpress插件] Better WishList API更好的愿望清单API

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-04 07:30 509 0 全屏看文



A better version of the WishList Member API.


Created to make the connection to external services like ActiveCampaign and Autorespond a lot easier.


Also gives option to send email notifications after succesfully adding an user through the API.


This version is currently only available in the Dutch language.


A translation to English is in the works.


With this plugin you have the option to:


    • Force the API to check if the user already exists.

    • 强制API检查用户是否已经存在。

      With the original Simple WLM API in combination with an external service, the user is often not recognized as existing user.

      将原始的Simple WLM API与外部服务结合使用时,通常不会将该用户识别为现有用户。

      As a result, the Autoresponder tries to add a new user, which will fail.


      Better WishList API will check if the user exists, and, if so, overrules the Autoresponder’s request to create a new user.

      更好的WishList API将检查用户是否存在,如果存在,则否决自动回复程序创建新用户的请求。

      Instead, it will add the level to the existing user.

    • 而是将级别添加到现有用户。

    • Get notifications by email of added users and levels.

    • 通过电子邮件获取添加的用户和级别的通知。

      This way you don’t have to check if a transaction completed succesfully.

    • 这样,您不必检查交易是否成功完成。

    • Also register your user’s first name and last name.

    • 还要注册用户的名字和姓氏。

      The original Simple WLM API is not able to handle the user’s name

    • 原始的Simple WLM API无法处理用户名

    • Log requests and see the results
    • 记录请求并查看结果

    This plugin also gives you detailed instructions how to use the API in conjunction with Autorespond en ActiveCampaign.

    此插件还为您提供了有关如何将API与Autorespond en ActiveCampaign结合使用的详细说明。


    1. Unzip the plugin file
    2. 解压缩插件文件

    3. Upload the folder better-wlm-api to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or download it from the WordPress Plugin Directory
    4. 将文件夹 better-wlm-api 上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录,或从WordPress插件目录中下载

    5. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    7. Review and, if necessary, change settings under Settings > Better WLM API
    8. 查看并根据需要在“设置”>“更好的WLM API”下更改设置

    9. Make sure that the plugin ‘simple-wlm-api’ is either deactivated or removed
    10. 确保已停用或删除了插件“ simple-wlm-api”

