[wordpress插件] Bg PlaylistBg播放清单

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-04 13:50 716 0 全屏看文



Plugin creates playlist, using links to audio files mp3 |

插件使用指向音频文件的链接来创建播放列表 mp3 |

m4a |

m4a |

ogg |

ogg |

wav in the posts of your site.

wav 在您网站的帖子中。

The following tag attributes are used: :



data-album="Album title" data-length="123">Track caption

data-album =“相册标题” data-length =“ 123”>曲目标题

    • class="wpaudio" – class name of the link to the audio file.

    • class =“ wpaudio” –音频文件链接的类名。

      By default: wpaudio.

      默认情况下: wpaudio

      Can be changed in plugin settings.

    • 可以在插件设置中更改。

    • href="https://sitename.com/path/filename.mp3" – audio file URL.

    • href =“ https://sitename.com/path/filename.mp3” –音频文件URL。

      Relative path is allowed (by default relative to the site root).

    • 允许相对路径(默认情况下相对于站点根目录)。

    • title="Track title" – the track title – displayed in the player header.

    • title =“曲目标题” –曲目标题–显示在播放器标题中。

      If is empty, the link text is accepted.


      If link text is also empty, then track title and track caption is filename filename.mp3.

    • 如果链接文本也为空,则轨道标题和轨道标题为文件名 filename.mp3

    • alt="Track discription" – track discription.
    • alt =“跟踪说明” –跟踪说明。

    • data-artist="Artist name" – artist name.
    • data-artist =“艺术家名称” –艺术家名称。

    • data-album="Album title" – album title.

    • data-album =“专辑标题” –专辑标题。

      If the album title is not set in this tag, then the album title is the post title.

    • 如果未在此标签中设置专辑标题,则专辑标题为帖子标题。

    • data-length="123" – track length in seconds.

    • data-length =“ 123” –轨道长度(以秒为单位)。

    • Track caption - link text – track caption.

    • 轨道标题-链接文本 –轨道标题。

      If link text is not specified, then the titleartist name is displayed instead.

    • 如果未指定链接文字,则会显示标题-艺术家姓名

    In the link text is allowed to use the html-tags: , , , <

    允许在链接文本中使用html标签: ,<

    code>, , , , <

    代码> <

    /code>, , .

    / code>,

    If the first character of the link text is #, then link text is ignored in player, and the title


    artist name is displayed instead.


    To set track image paste it into the link text:


    Track title


    In automatic mode (default is off), the plug-in parse the post contents and instead of the text that located between the first and last audio links, inserts the standard WP player with playlist that included of the found audio links.


    If for a post to create an custom field single_audio with any value other than an empty string, then each link will be treated as a separate playlist with a single track.

    如果要让帖子创建自定义字段 single_audio (空字符串除外)的任何值,则每个链接都将被视为具有单个曲目的单独播放列表。

    Enclosing shortcode [audiodisk] ... [/audiodisk] allows you to reduce the range of search for links on the page to text located inside the shortcode tags.

    附上短代码 [音频磁盘] ... [/音频磁盘] 允许您减小页面上指向短代码标签内文本的链接的搜索范围。

    This gives you more flexibility to edit posts, allows you to create multiple playlists on single page.


    Self-closing shortcode [audiodisk src ="https://sitename.com/path/playlist.m3u" /] allows you to insert a player with a

    自动关闭的简码 [audiodisk src =“ https://sitename.com/path/playlist.m3u” /] 允许您插入带有

    pre-configured playlist,


    there is src – link to the playlist file in the formats m3u or pls.

    src –以 m3u pls 格式链接到播放列表文件。

    You can set relative path to the file.


    The plugin adds “Downoad” button for each track in the standard WP player.

    该插件为标准WP播放器中的每个曲目添加“ Downoad”按钮。

    You can disable playlist looping with same named option.


    In TinyMCE Editor added three buttons: “Insert audiolink”, “Insert audiodisk” and “Insert playlist”.


    “Insert audiolink” allows insert tag with all attributes.


    “Insert audiodisk” inserts enclosing shortcode [audiodisk] ... [/audiodisk] around selected text.

    “插入音频磁盘”会在所选文本周围插入简短代码 [音频磁盘] ... [/音频磁盘]

    The same button “Аudiodisk” available in editor text mode too.


    “Insert playlist” inserts self-closing shortcode [audiodisk src ="https://sitename.com/path/playlist.m3u" /].

    “插入播放列表”插入自动关闭的简码 [audiodisk src =“ https://sitename.com/path/playlist.m3u” /]

    Plugin will added automaticly attribute data-length in link while post saving.

    插件在保存时会在链接中自动添加属性 data-length

    It’s works if audiofile placed on the same site only.



    1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/bg-playlist directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
    2. 将插件文件上传到 / wp-content / plugins / bg-playlist 目录,或直接通过WordPress插件屏幕安装插件。

    3. Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ screen in WordPress.
    4. 通过WordPress的“插件”屏幕激活插件。

    5. Use the Settings->Plugin Name screen to configure the plugin.
    6. 使用“设置”->“插件名称”屏幕来配置插件。

