[wordpress插件] Bible SuperSearch圣经超级搜索

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-04 19:40 520 0 全屏看文



Adds a powerful Bible search engine to your WordPress website.


This is the official Bible SuperSearch plugin.

这是官方的圣经SuperSearch 插件。

Allows seamless use of the Bible SuperSearch client and API on any WordPress site.

允许在任何WordPress网站上无缝使用Bible SuperSearch客户端和API。

You also have the option to install our API on your server.


Core Features


    1. FULL functionality of the Bible search engine as seen on BibleSuperSearch.com

    2. 圣经搜索引擎的完整功能,如 BibleSuperSearch.com 所示

        • Many Bible translations (enable only the ones you want)
        • 许多圣经译本(仅启用您想要的译本)

        • Look up multiple passages
        • 查找多篇文章

        • Random Chapter and Verse
        • 随机章节和诗歌

        • Limit search to specific sections or passages
        • 将搜索限制为特定的部分或段落

        • Search for all words, any word or whole phrase
        • 搜索所有单词,任何单词或整个短语

        • Search for words in nearby verses and not just all in the same verse
        • 搜索附近经文中的单词,而不仅仅是同一经文中的所有单词

        • Search by boolean expressions and regular expressions
        • 通过布尔表达式和正则表达式进行搜索

        • Verse proximity search: Find keywords in nearby verses
        • 邻近搜索:在附近的经文中查找关键字

        • Strong’s number searches and Strong’s definition hover dialogs (on Strong’s enabled Bibles)
        • Strong的号码搜索和Strong的定义悬停对话框(在Strong启用的圣经上)

        • Increase or decrease text size
        • 增加或减小文字大小

        • Changable text style
        • 可更改的文字样式

        • Copy text with easy copy mode
        • 使用轻松复制模式复制文本

        • Switch between verse mode and paragraph mode
        • 在诗歌模式和段落模式之间切换

        • Advanced search
        • 高级搜索

      • Selectable skins (interfaces)
      • 可选的皮肤(界面)

      • Small footprint.

      • 占地面积小。

        Uses our API – Doesn’t take up your web hosting space!

      • 使用我们的API-不会占用您的网络托管空间!

      • Works in PHP 7+
      • 在PHP 7及更高版本中可用

      • Bible downloads – ability to download public domain or non-commercial use only Bibles in several formats (as a separate feature)
      • 圣经下载–能够以多种格式(作为单独功能)下载仅公共领域或非商业用途的圣经

    This plugin communicates with the Bible SuperSearch API to retrieve data it needs to function.

    此插件与Bible SuperSearch API通信以检索其需要运行的数据。

    Please see the Technical Details below for more information.


    By installing and using this plugin, you agree to the API Terms of Service.

    通过安装和使用此插件,您同意 API服务条款



    Also see the API Privacy Policy and API隐私政策

    documentation" rel="nofollow">API full documentation

    文档” rel =“ nofollow”> API完整文档

    However, you have the option to install our API on your server, and run Bible SuperSearch entirely from your website.

    但是,您可以选择在服务器上安装我们的API,并完全从您的网站运行Bible SuperSearch。



    Technical Details




    This plugin communicates with the Bible SuperSearch API to retrieve data it needs to function.

    此插件与Bible SuperSearch API通信以检索其需要运行的数据。

    This data includes:


    * Results for all Bible search queries


    * List of available Bible translations


    * List of available search types


    * List of available shortcuts


    * List of Bible books


    * API Version

    * API版本

    By installing and using this plugin, you agree to the API Terms of Service.

    通过安装和使用此插件,您同意 API服务条款



    Also see the API Privacy Policy and API隐私政策

    documentation" rel="nofollow">API full documentation

    文档” rel =“ nofollow”> API完整文档



    This plugin is a wrapper around the official Bible SuperSearch client.


    This client is written in the Javascript framework Enyo, and the code is minified.

    此客户端使用Javascript框架 Enyo 编写,并且代码已精简。

    However, the source code can be seen in this GIT repository: https://sourceforge.net/p/biblesuper/ui-d/ci/master/tree/




      • wp – code specific to this WordPress plugin
      • wp –此WordPress插件特有的代码

      • app – Bible SuperSearch client (minified)
      • app – Bible SuperSearch客户(精简版)


    1. Click 'Install Now' on the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen, OR Unzip the plugin .zip file, then upload the biblesupersearch directory to the /wp-content/plugins/<

    2. 通过WordPress插件屏幕在插件上单击“立即安装”,或解压缩插件.zip文件,然后将 biblesupersearch 目录上传到 / wp-content / plugins / <

      /code> directory.

    3. / code>目录。

    4. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
    5. 通过WordPress中的“插件”屏幕激活插件。

    6. Configure the plugin settings.

    7. 配置插件设置。

      Admin menu => Settings => Bible SuperSearch

    8. 管理菜单=>设置=> Bible SuperSearch

    9. Place [biblesupersearch] shortcode on any page or post
    10. 在任何页面或帖子上放置 [biblesupersearch] 简码

    11. Navigate to the page / post and see it in action.
    12. 导航到页面/帖子并查看其运行情况。

    Shortcodes include:


    [biblesupersearch] - displays the main Bible SuperSearch application    


    These attributes override the settings on this plugin.    


    * interface - the ID of the skin to be used on the application.

    * interface-在应用程序上使用的皮肤的ID。

    For a complete list, please visit https://www.biblesupersearch.com/client/    


    * destination_url - URL to page or post where form will redirect to when submitted.                        

    * destination_url-提交时表单将重定向到的页面或帖子的URL。                        

    The destionation will need to have the [biblesupersearch] shortcode.                        

    该目标将需要具有 [biblesupersearch] 短代码。                        

    Set to '' to force to current page and override the 'Default Destination Page'    


    * formatButtons - Which formatting buttons to use?

    * formatButtons-使用哪些格式化按钮?

    Options: default, Classic or Stylable    


    * navigationButtons - Which navigation buttons to use?

    * navigationButtons-使用哪些导航按钮?

    Options: default, Classic or Stylable    


    * pager - Which pager to use?


    Options: default, Classic, Clean


    [biblesupersearch_bible_list] - Displays a list of all Bibles available (even if not enabled)    




    * verbose - Displays some extra columns on the list of Bibles (true/false)


    [biblesupersearch_downloads] - Displays the Bible downloads page    




    * verbose - Displays all Bibles, even if they are not downloadable.




