[wordpress插件] Cactus Info Slider仙人掌信息滑块

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-15 13:50 484 0 全屏看文



The Cactus Info Slider is a simple plugin whose purpose is to display sequential information.

Cactus Info Slider是一个简单的插件,目的是显示顺序信息。

As opposed to the many sliders that exist whose main purpose is to showcase photos, Info Slider’s main purpose is to showcase information.

与许多主要目的是展示照片的滑块不同,Info Slider的主要目的是展示信息。

Its best use is for anyone looking to display a step-by-step process with both text and a visual aid.


Info Slider uses 2 simple shortcodes and 3 simple attributes to create the slides:

Info Slider使用2个简单的短代码和3个简单的属性来创建幻灯片:

    • [cactus-slider] – Open and close your entire set of slides with this shortcode.
    • [cactus-slider] –使​​用此短代码打开和关闭整个幻灯片集。

    • [slider-item] – Open and close a single slide with this shortcode.

    • [slider-item] –使用此短代码打开和关闭单个幻灯片。

      All informational text you want displayed should be between this open/close shortcode.


        • [slider-item nbr=”1″] – The “nbr” attribute gives the slide a numerical value for easier tracking.
        • [slider-item nbr =“ 1”] –“ nbr”属性为幻灯片提供了一个数值,以便于跟踪。

        • [slider-item title=”My Slide”] – The “title” attribute gives the slide a title, which will be represented as an h2 header.
        • [slider-item title =“我的幻灯片”] – –标题属性为幻灯片提供标题,将其表示为h2标头。

        • [slider-item img=”http://server.com/myImage.jpg”] – the “img” attribute is a URL to the image you want to be associated with the slide.
        • [slider-item img =“ http://server.com/myImage.jpg”] –“ img”属性是您要与幻灯片关联的图像的URL。


    1. Upload cactus-info-slider.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. cactus-info-slider.php 上载至 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Use the aforementioned shortcodes to insert the slider anywhere in your pages or posts.
    6. 使用上述简码将滑块插入页面或帖子中的任意位置。

