[wordpress插件] Campaign Monitor SynchronizationCampaign Monitor同步

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-16 06:00 500 0 全屏看文



This plugin automatically creates and maintains a mailinglist on Campaign Monitor mirroring the list of WordPress users.

此插件会自动在Campaign Monitor上创建并维护一个邮件列表,以镜像WordPress用户列表。

Typically this plugin is useful when you have information (or functionality) on your website that is accessible for registered users only, and you want to send email updates about that information (or functionality) to those users alone.


Example use case


For instance, members can subscribe for events on your WordPress website, and you send out announcements to those members using CampaignMonitor.


With this plugin you can maintain your list on WordPress, manage their permissions, and the list on Campaign Monitor will always be an exact copy.

使用此插件,您可以在WordPress上维护列表,管理其权限,并且Campaign Monitor上的列表将始终是精确的副本。



This plugin performs a one-way synchronization from WordPress to Campaign Monitor.

此插件执行从WordPress到Campaign Monitor的单向同步。

For instance, it will remove users from your Campaign Monitor list if they do not exist as users in WordPress.

例如,如果用户不以WordPress用户身份存在,它将从Campaign Monitor列表中删除用户。

If this behavior is too strict for you, we recommend our other plugin Campaign Monitor Dual Registration .




    • Don’t use this plugin in combination with a subscription form that stores subscribers directly in the same CampaignMonitor list.

    • 请勿将此插件与将订阅者直接存储在同一CampaignMonitor列表中的订阅表结合使用。

    • Also don’t modify the list in CampaignMonitor directly, thos e changes will be lost.

    • 也不要直接在CampaignMonitor中修改列表,否则所有更改都会丢失。

      The only exception is when people unsubscribe from the mailinglist, this will be stored in Campaign Monitor only, and can only be changed there.

    • 唯一的例外是,当人们取消订阅邮件列表时,该列表将仅存储在Campaign Monitor中,并且只能在其中进行更改。

    Technical details


    The Campaign Monitor Synchronization plugin checks every 15 minutes whether there has been changes in the user list on WordPress, without contacting Campaign Monitor.

    Campaign Monitor同步插件每15分钟检查一次WordPress用户列表中是否有更改,而无需联系Campaign Monitor。

    Only if there has been a change, it compares the WordPress user table with the version on Campaign Monitor.

    仅进行更改,才会将WordPress用户表与Campaign Monitor上的版本进行比较。

    This can also be forced by pressing “save and sync” on the plugin options page.


    When there are differences only the modifications will be sent to Campaign Monitor in batches using its API.

    如果存在差异,则只会使用其API将修改内容批量发送到Campaign Monitor。

    This way the plugin tries to minimise the number of external requests, while maintaining a reasonable level of synchronization.


    When a user unsubscribes on the Campaign Monitor website, this will not be overwritten by the plugin, nor will this be stored back in the WordPress database.

    当用户在Campaign Monitor网站上退订时,该插件将不会覆盖该内容,也不会将其存储回WordPress数据库中。




    1. Register on http://campaignmonitor.com and create a list.

    2. 在http://campaignmonitor.com上注册并创建列表。

      Don’t use an existing list, the data will be lost !

    3. 不要使用现有列表,数据将会丢失!

    4. In the list details click the link “change name/type”, there you will find the list ID, it is a 32 character hexadecimal string.

    5. 在列表详细信息中,单击“更改名称/类型”链接,您将在其中找到列表ID,它是一个32个字符的十六进制字符串。

      Don’t use the list ID in the url!.

    6. 请勿在网址中使用列表ID!。

    7. Go to your account settings.

    8. 转到您的帐户设置。

      There you will find the API key, it is also a 32 character hexadecimal string.

    9. 在那里,您会找到API密钥,它也是一个32个字符的十六进制字符串。

    10. On your wordpress website, upload campaign-monitor-synchronization.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    11. 在您的wordpress网站上,将 campaign-monitor-synchronization.zip 上传到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    12. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    13. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    14. In the plugin options, enter the list ID and API key.
    15. 在插件选项中,输入列表ID和API密钥。

    16. Select which fields you want to copy to Campaign Monitor.

    17. 选择要复制到Campaign Monitor的字段。

      E-mail address will always be copied.

    18. 电子邮件地址将始终被复制。





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