[wordpress插件] Capture and Convert捕获并转换

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-16 19:20 636 0 全屏看文



    • Pick from 5 “widgets” geared towards growing your traffic, social media accounts or email submissions.
    • 从5个“小部件”中进行选择,以增加您的访问量,社交媒体帐户或电子邮件提交。

    • Widget 1 – Share to Unlock widget.

    • 小部件1 –共享以解锁小部件。

      Grow your traffic on social media by “locking” a piece of your site in exchange for a share on Twitter or Facebook.

    • 通过“锁定”网站的一部分来交换在Twitter或Facebook上的份额,从而增加社交媒体上的流量。

    • Widget 2 – Follow to Unlock widget.

    • 小部件2 –跟随解锁小部件。

      Grow your following on Instagram, YouTube and Twitter by “locking” a piece of your site in exchange for a follow on social media.

    • 通过“锁定”您网站的一部分来交换社交媒体上的关注,从而在Instagram,YouTube和Twitter上吸引您的关注。

    • Widget 3 – Email to Unlock widget.

    • 小部件3 –电子邮件以解锁小部件。

      Grow your email list by “locking” a piece of value (i.e. webinar, ebook, checklist, etc) in exchange for a visitor’s email address.

    • 通过“锁定”一部分价值(例如网络研讨会,电子书,清单等)来增加您的电子邮件列表,以换取访客的电子邮件地址。

    • Widget 4 – Call to Action widget.

    • 小部件4 –号召性用语小部件。

      Insert this widget within your blog posts to push traffic to a different part of your website.


      Want to promote a case study?


      New webinar?


      Don’t annoy people with pop ups, simply use this widget to capture attention and push it to another page on your site.

    • 不要用弹出窗口来烦人,只需使用此小部件即可吸引注意力并将其推送到您网站上的另一页。

    • Widget 5 – Floating widget.

    • 小部件5 –浮动小部件。

      Stop using annoying pop ups to capture emails.


      This widget sits in the corner of your pages, always in view of visitors but never annoying them.

    • 此小部件位于页面的一角,始终在访问者的视野中,但永远不会使他们烦恼。

    • Select a pre designed template or build one from scratch.

    • 选择一个预先设计的模板或从头开始构建一个模板。

      Match your website’s fonts, colors and images to build seamless experiences.

    • 匹配您网站的字体,颜色和图像,以构建无缝体验。

    • Our widgets run on shortcodes that you simply drop into your pages or blog posts.

    • 我们的窗口小部件以短代码运行,您只需将它们放入页面或博客文章中即可。

      This allows you to create custom (or multiple) offers across your website.


      Our widgets are fully compatible with Gutenberg and look amazing on mobile devices.

    • 我们的小部件与Gutenberg完全兼容,并且在移动设备上看起来很棒。

    Docs & Support


    You can find docs and more detailed information about Capture and Convert on docs 以及有关捕获和转换的更多详细信息。

    /captureandconvert.io/" rel="nofollow">captureandconvert.io.

    /captureandconvert.io/“ rel =” nofollow“> captureandconvert.io 。

    If you were unable to find the answer to your question on website or in any of the documentation, you should check the support forum


    on WordPress.org.


    If you can’t locate any topics that pertain to your particular issue, post a new topic for it.



    1. Upload the entire ‘capture-and-convert’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
    2. 将整个“捕获并转换”文件夹上载到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    You will find ‘Capture and Convert’ menu in your WordPress admin panel.


    For usage and setup, you can also have a look at the plugin documentation.


