[wordpress插件] Chamber Dashboard CRM箱式仪表板CRM

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-21 11:10 446 0 全屏看文



Chamber Dashboard CRM is a part of the Chamber Dashboard collection of plugins and themes.

Chamber Dashboard CRM是Chamber Dashboard插件和主题集合的一部分。

You can create people records and associate them with members/businesses with a designated role.


It is designed to meet the needs of chambers of commerce and membership organizations.


With Chamber Dashboard CRM, you can:

使用Chamber Dashboard CRM,您可以:

    • create a database of the people in your organization
    • 创建组织中人员的数据库

    • if you have the Chamber Dashboard Business Directory installed, you can associate people with businesses and track

    • 如果您已安装 Chamber Dashboard企业名录,则可以将人们与企业联系起来并进行跟踪

      their role within the business

    • 他们在企业中的角色

    • keep track of people’s activities, such as meeting attendance, event attendance, conversations, donations, etc.
    • 跟踪人们的活动,例如会议出席,活动出席,对话,捐赠等。

    • display the people associated with each business/member in the Business Directory
    • 在“企业目录”中显示与每个企业/成员相关的人员

    • display the people in a certain category
    • 显示特定类别的人

    • integrate with the Member Updater plugin to let members update their listings
    • 与Member Updater插件集成,以使成员更新其列表

    • create board/staff member pages
    • 创建委员会/职员成员页面

    You can learn more at chamberdashboard.com

    您可以在 chamberdashboard.com 中了解更多信息。

    For full instructions about how to use the plugin, go to Chamber Dashboard Documentation

    有关如何使用该插件的完整说明,请访问 Chamber仪表板文档




Using The WordPress Dashboard


    1. Navigate to the \’Add New\’ in the plugins dashboard
    2. 导航至插件信息中心中的“添加新项”

    3. Search for \’chamber dashboard crm\’
    4. 搜索\'chamber panel crm \'

    5. Click \’Install Now\’
    6. 点击“立即安装”

    7. Activate the plugin on the Plugin dashboard
    8. 在“插件”信息中心上激活插件

    Uploading in WordPress Dashboard


      1. Navigate to the \’Add New\’ in the plugins dashboard
      2. 导航至插件信息中心中的“添加新项”

      3. Navigate to the \’Upload\’ area
      4. 导航到“上传”区域

      5. Select chamber-dashboard-crm.zip from your computer
      6. 从计算机中选择 chamber-dashboard-crm.zip

      7. Click \’Install Now\’
      8. 点击“立即安装”

      9. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard
      10. 在“插件”信息中心中激活插件

      Using FTP


        1. Download chamber-dashboard-crm.zip
        2. 下载 chamber-dashboard-crm.zip

        3. Extract the chamber-dashboard-crm directory to your computer
        4. chamber-dashboard-crm 目录提取到您的计算机中

        5. Upload the chamber-dashboard-crm directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
        6. chamber-dashboard-crm 目录上传到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

        7. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard
        8. 在“插件”信息中心中激活插件

