[wordpress插件] Chrome App Promoter WidgetChrome应用启动器小部件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-23 10:20 501 0 全屏看文



Promote your Chrome App on your WordPress Blog!


Do you have an App in the Chrome Web Store?


Do you want a quick and easy way to Promote it through-out your wordpress blog?


Than you have come to the right plug-in!


This Plug-in Lets you add a sidebar widget to blog with the official chrome Web Store button and also adds a J-Query Plug-in that is designed to emulate Chrome's info-bar and let your visits know that you have a

此插件可让您使用官方的chrome Web Store按钮将侧边栏小部件添加到博客,还可以添加J-Query插件,该插件旨在模拟Chrome的信息栏,并让您的访问者知道您拥有

chrome app!


A few highlights of the Chrome App Promoter Widget :

Chrome App Promoter Widget的一些亮点:

    • Automatically adds Chrome.Infobar style horizontal panel just above your blog’s contents.

    • 在博客内容上方自动添加Chrome.Infobar样式的水平面板。

    • Users can install your Chrome App with one click!

    • 用户可以一键安装Chrome应用!

    • Requires a valid App already in the Google Chrome Web-Store.
    • 需要Google Chrome网上应用店中已经存在的有效应用。

    • You must add your Chrome App ID on the settings page.

    • 您必须在设置页面上添加Chrome应用ID。

    • Chrome Web-App Generator

    • Chrome Web应用程序生成器

      is now LIVE!

    • 现在开始直播!

    • Widget can be added from WordPress back-end.

    • 可以从WordPress后端添加小部件。

    • Add the Chrome App Button with a shortcode.

    • 添加带有简码的Chrome应用程序按钮。

    • Open your blog up to the 120 million+ Google Chrome Users!
    • 最多可为1.2亿多Google Chrome用户打开您的博客!

    Get the Chrome App Promoter Widget NOW!

    立即获取Chrome App Promoter Widget!


Simply Install the Chrome App Promoter Widget plug-in, enter your Webstore App ID on the setting page, add the widget to your blog and your done!

只需安装Chrome App Promoter窗口小部件插件,在设置页面上输入您的Webstore应用ID,然后将该窗口小部件添加到您的博客中并完成操作!



    1. Upload the chromeappwidget folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory of your blog.
    2. chromeappwidget 文件夹上传到博客的 / wp-content / plugins / 目录。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Goto 'Settings->Chrome App ID' and enter your App ID from the Google Chrome Web Store (Example : If your app is located at https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/appname/abcxyzid/

    6. 转到“设置-> Chrome应用ID”,然后从Google Chrome网上应用店输入您的应用ID(例如:如果您的应用位于https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/appname/abcxyzid/

      , your App ID is “abcxyzid”)

    7. ,您的应用程序ID为“ abcxyzid”)

    8. If you want to add the widget button with a link to your app simple add it Under Appearance->Widgets.

    9. 如果要添加带有链接到应用程序的窗口小部件按钮,只需在“外观”->“窗口小部件”下将其添加。

    10. You can also add the Chrome App Web-Store button with a link to your app using the ‘chromewebstore’ Shortcode.

    11. 您还可以使用“ chromewebstore”简码添加带有指向应用程序链接的Chrome应用程序网络商店按钮。

