[wordpress插件] Church Social教会社会

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-23 14:20 464 0 全屏看文



This plugin allows churches to display content from their Church Social account on their WordPress website.


For example, it will display public events from the calendar as well as public sermons from the sermon archive.


This is a great way to keep this content up-to-date on your church’s public-facing website.


Note, you must be a Church Social customer to use this plugin, as it requires an API key.

请注意,您必须是Church Social客户才能使用此插件,因为它需要API密钥。

This plugin can be used with both the Church Social provided WordPress themes, as well as any other theme.

此插件可与Church Social提供的WordPress主题以及任何其他主题一起使用。

To become a customer, or to simply learn more about Church Social, please visit our website at churchsocial.com.

要成为客户,或只是想了解更多有关Church Social的信息,请访问我们的网站,网址为 churchsocial.com


    • Upload the plugin into a church-social folder in the /wp-content/plugins directory.
    • 将插件上传到 / wp-content / plugins 目录中的 church-social 文件夹中。

    • Activate plugin in the WordPress admin.
    • 激活WordPress管理员中的插件。

    • In the WordPress admin, go to Settings, then Church Social, and enter your Church Social API key.
    • 在WordPress管理员中,依次转到“设置”,“ Church Social”,然后输入您的Church Social API密钥。

    • To enable the calendar or sermon archive, simply select the pages you want them to appear on.
    • 要启用日历或布道存档,只需选择要在其中显示的页面。

    • You can also optionally set a theme, which is helpful if you’re not using one of the Church Social provided WordPress themes.
    • 您还可以选择设置主题,如果您没有使用Church Social提供的WordPress主题之一,则很有用。

