[wordpress插件] Add Clone Sites for WPMU (batch)添加WPMU的克隆站点(批次)

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-01-29 16:20 677 0 全屏看文






With this plugin you can simply batch create / add a bunch of sites to your WPMU install (WordPress Network) and use one of your existing sites as a template for the new sites.


The existing blog will be cloned exactly including posts, layout, settings, etc. The plugin also takes care of domainmapping the newly created sites.


(depends on ‘WordPress MU Domain Mapping’ by Donncha to be installed)

(取决于要安装Donncha的“ WordPress MU域映射”)

This plugin will save you a lot of time.


Even adding one site is faster with this pluging compared to the normal way: add site, domainmap it, set everything up.


Update: You can now also use it without domainmapping, so just cloning sites in a batch!


Insert the name of the subdir or subdomain you want to make in the place of the url.



    1. Install the plugin in the usual way into the WordPress plugins folder.
    2. 以常规方式将插件安装到WordPress插件文件夹中。

    3. Network activate the plugin (it has only effect on the network admin area, so it is safe to network activate.
    4. 网络激活插件(仅对网络管理区域有效,因此可以安全地进行网络激活。

    That’s it.


    Now you can go to the Network Admin area and there you will see the plugin in the sites menu


    The preferred workflow is as follows:


    After setting up a WordPress network based on subdomains and installing and activating ‘WordPress MU Domain Mapping’ by Donncha and this plugin you are good to go.

    在建立了基于子域的WordPress网络并安装并激活Donncha和该插件的“ WordPress MU域映射”后,您就可以使用了。

      1. First you need a template site setup to clone.
      2. 首先,您需要模板站点设置才能进行克隆。

      3. Add a new site, set it up completely with plugins, themes, posts, etc.
      4. 添加一个新站点,并使用插件,主题,帖子等对其进行完全设置。

      5. I suggest you give the sitename a prefix like tmp-, for example ‘tmp-foobarsites’.

      6. 我建议您为站点名称添加一个类似于tmp-的前缀,例如“ tmp-foobarsites”。

        This will make it easyer for you to recognise the template sites from the normal sites.


        Also, in a future release of this plugin filtering on a prefix will be supported.

      7. 另外,在此插件的将来版本中,将支持对前缀进行过滤。

      8. prepare a textfile / excel file with the url’s, blognames, and blogdescriptions you want to create.

      9. 使用您要创建的网址,博客名称和博客说明来准备文本文件/ excel文件。

        Use the format: “new_site_url, site_description, site_name”.

        使用格式:“ new_site_url,site_description,site_name”。

        If you leave the site_name empty, it will take the url as the sitename.


        Don’t use http:// and think if you want the site to use the prefix www.


        or not.

      10. 是否。

      11. Go to the Network Admin area and click on add clone sites in the sites menu.
      12. 转到“网络管理”区域,然后在“站点”菜单中单击“添加克隆站点”。

      13. choose your template site from the dropdown list and select a admin user for the domains.
      14. 从下拉列表中选择模板站点,然后为域选择一个管理员用户。

      15. copy paste the prepared textfile in the field and hit clone.
      16. 将准备好的文本文件粘贴到该字段中,然后单击克隆。

      17. That’s it, just wait till it is finished.
      18. 就是这样,等到完成为止。

      19. After saving so much time for you, make sure you buy me a coffee!
      20. 为您节省了很多时间后,请确保您给我买了咖啡!




