[wordpress插件] Codup WooCommerce Referral SystemCodup WooCommerce推荐系统

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-27 04:10 495 0 全屏看文



Codup WooCommerce referral system helps you in building a referral system for your store.

Codup WooCommerce推荐系统可以帮助您为商店构建推荐系统。

A quick and easy setup not only reward your referrer but also allows you to reward your referee too.


The plugin integrates with WooCommerce to setup an easy program which increases your traffic resulting in a revenue boost.


What’s in it?


    • Reward your customers with a coupon of your selection on a successful referral.

    • 成功推荐您的客户后,可凭您选择的优惠券奖励您。

    • Select the option to reward referee.
    • 选择奖励裁判的选项。

    • Set an expiry to your referral link.
    • 设置您的引荐链接的有效期。

    • A referral area to see your referral url.

    • 引荐区域以查看您的引荐网址。

    • Customizable email on successful referral.

    • 成功推荐后可自定义的电子邮件。

    Customizable options


    Codup WooCommerce Referral System gives you the freedom to customize your referral program.

    Codup WooCommerce推荐系统使您可以自由定制推荐程序。

    Go to WP Admin -> WooCommerce -> Settings -> Referral System to setup your program.

    转到WP Admin-> WooCommerce-> Settings-> Referral System来设置程序。

      • Redirect Page: Select the page where you want the user with referral link to redirect.

      • 重定向页面:选择您希望带有引荐链接的用户重定向的页面。

        Defaults to shop page

      • 默认为商店页面

      • Referral URL variable: Create your custom slug, a part of referral URL identifying the referrer by ID.

      • 引荐来源网址变量:创建您的自定义标签,引荐来源网址的一部分通过ID标识引荐来源。

        Defaults to ‘cwrf_ref’.

      • 默认为“ cwrf_ref”。

      • Referral Expiry: Set referral link expiry in days.
      • 引荐过期时间:设置引荐链接有效期限(天)。

      • Award Referee: Option to whether referee should be rewarded or not.

      • 授予裁判员:选择是否应奖励裁判员的选项。

      • Select Coupon to Reward: Select coupons to be rewarded to referrer and referee (if award referee is checked).
      • 选择奖励券:选择要奖励给推荐人和裁判的优惠券(如果选中了奖励裁判)。

      The plugin also provides the ability to customize your email template through WooCommerce emails.


      A default template has been added to WooCommerce Emails and can be extend through overriding the template in theme/plugin.


      Referral System


      A referral system tab is added to woocommerce dashboard where the user can see the referral URL.


      Once a customer visit your site through referral url, the program automatically detects and add a coupon on the cart if the allow referee to reward is checked in the settings.


      Once a referee successfully checks out, an email with a coupon code is sent to the referral.


      The plugin prioritize WooCommerce validation.


      For example, if a coupon is set to use only once by users, no matter how many coupons a referrer has earned, the WooCommerce will validate the coupon and restrict the referrer to use it.



    1. Install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
    2. 直接通过WordPress插件屏幕安装插件。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”屏幕激活插件

    5. Use the Dashboard->WooCommerce->Settings->Referral System to configure the plugin
    6. 使用仪表板-> WooCommerce->设置->推荐系统配置插件

