[wordpress插件] Content Anchor Links内容锚链接

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-31 21:30 537 0 全屏看文



This plugin adds a unique ID attribute to healings in your page and post content, and then makes those anchors available in the linking pop-up.


This makes it very easy to add “jump” links to headings within the content.


Using the Plugin


This plugin doesn’t use any settings or require any setup, just activate it and it’s features are available.


The plugin works by adding a unique “id” to the headings in your content.

该插件通过在内容的标题中添加唯一的“ id”来工作。

When you open your content for editing, the plugin adds unique ids to all the h2 and h3 headings.


After saving the content, those headings become available as “anchors” which can be linked to.


To create an anchor link, add the desired link text, select it and click the “add link” icon.


If you begin typing the heading you want the link to jump to, the anchor link for that heading will appear in the search results.


Choose that anchor to place your link.


If you want a link from another page to jump to a heading, you can add the anchor link (begins with a “#”) to the regular page link and when that link is clicked on the user will be taken to that


heading on the new page.


For example, let's say you have a page at https://xnau.com/content-anchor-links/ that explains how to make a link list, and on that page is a tutorial

例如,假设您在 https://xnau.com/content-anchor-links/ 上有一个页面,该页面说明了如何创建链接列表,并且该页面上是一个教程

with the heading “A Tutorial” If you look at the HTML for that page, you'll see that the heading has an “id”, like this:

A Tutorial

带有标题“ A Tutorial”的标题如果您查看该页面的HTML,则会看到标题具有“ id”,例如:

A Tutorial

h2> You can create a link that goes directly to that heading with a URL like this: https://xnau.com/content-anchor-links/#a-tutorial

h2> 您可以使用以下URL创建直接转到该标题的链接: https://xnau.com/content-anchor-links/#a-tutorial




    1. In the admin for your WordPress site, click on “add new” in the plug-ins menu.
    2. 在您的WordPress网站的管理员中,在插件菜单中单击“添加新”。

    3. Search for “participants database” in the WP plugin repository and install
    4. 在WP插件存储库中搜索“参与者数据库”并安装

    5. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    7. Place [pdb_record] in your blog posts and pages to show the signup form
    8. 在您的博客文章和页面中放置 [pdb_record] 以显示注册表单

    9. Additonal features and instructions can be found on the help tab of the plugin’s settings page
    10. 其他功能和说明可在插件设置页面的帮助标签上找到


      1. Download the zip file
      2. 下载zip文件

      3. Click on “Add New” in the plugins menu
      4. 在插件菜单中单击“添加新”

      5. At the top of the “Add Plugins” page find and click the “Upload Plugin” button
      6. 在“添加插件”页面顶部找到并单击“上传插件”按钮

      7. Select the zip file on your computer and upload it
      8. 选择计算机上的zip文件并上传

      9. The plugin will install itself.

      10. 该插件将自行安装。

        Click on “activate” to activate the plugin

      11. 点击“激活”以激活插件

