[wordpress插件] Content Update Notification内容更新通知

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-01 10:30 481 0 全屏看文



Content Update Notification allows your site to notify nearly anyone by email anytime a post or page is added or updated.


You can customize your email alerts with the following fields:


    • Name of your website
    • 您的网站名称

    • Name of the content area edited
    • 已编辑内容区域的名称

    • Time the content was edited
    • 内容的编辑时间

    • A link to the page that was edited
    • 指向已编辑页面的链接

    • The username of the user who edited the content
    • 编辑内容的用户的用户名

    This plugin is ideal for administrators who have multiple content authors and need to be alerted to content changes for review or regulatory compliance.



    1. Install Content Update Notification either via the WordPress.org plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server.
    2. 通过WordPress.org插件目录或通过将文件上传到服务器来安装内容更新通知。

    3. After activating Content Update Notification, you will be able to customize the plugin settings from the Tools menu or by clicking “Settings” under the plugin where it is installed.
    4. 激活“内容更新通知”后,您将可以从“工具”菜单或单击安装插件的插件下的“设置”来自定义插件设置。

    5. Add an email address (or email addresses, if followed by commas) to the notification list.
    6. 在通知列表中添加一个电子邮件地址(或电子邮件地址,如果后跟逗号)。

    7. Create an email subject line for your notification emails.
    8. 为您的通知电子邮件创建电子邮件主题行。

    9. Use the WYSIWYG editor to craft a notification message.

    10. 使用WYSIWYG编辑器来编写通知消息。

      You can customize the notification email with specific tags.

    11. 您可以使用特定标签自定义通知电子邮件。

    12. That’s it.

    13. 就是这样。

      You’re ready to go!

    14. 您准备好了!

