[wordpress插件] Content.adContent.ad

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-01 11:50 454 0 全屏看文



Content.ad is a content recommendation platform that helps site owners generate more time-on-site and monetize their

Content.ad 是一个内容推荐平台,可帮助网站所有者产生更多的网站停留时间并从中获利

content easily and unobtrusively.


Content.ad serves billions of impressions across thousands of sites every month.


The WordPress plugin is the quickest and easiest way to get Content.ad up and running on your site.


Key Features


Simple Setup – Our 3-step guided installation gets you creating your first widget in minutes.

简单设置 –我们的三步向导式安装可让您在几分钟内创建第一个窗口小部件。

Flexible Styling – Our widget creation wizard makes customizing the look and feel of the widget simple and straightforward.

灵活的样式 –我们的窗口小部件创建向导使自定义窗口小部件的外观变得简单而直接。

Performance Driven – Our state-of-the-art algorithms learn what content is most popular with your users, lowering bounce rates and increasing overall site revenue.

以性能为导向 –我们先进的算法可了解哪些内容最受用户欢迎,从而降低跳出率并增加网站整体收入。

Also, since optimization takes place on Content.ad servers and the widget is loaded asynchronously, the plugin doesn’t slow down your site.


Powerful Options – Free enterprise-level features let you control how the widget integrates into your site and what kind of content appears in it, all without leaving your WordPress admin.

强大的选项 –免费的企业级功能使您可以控制小部件如何集成到您的网站中以及其中会显示哪种内容,而无需离开WordPress管理员。

Rich Reporting – Use our robust reporting and graphing options to see exactly how well your widgets perform down to the hour.

丰富的报告 –使用我们强大的报告和图形选项,可以精确地了解您的小部件在小时内的性能。

Personalized Support – Our US-based support staff is available to help you properly set up and optimize Content.ad to meet your needs.

个性化支持 –我们位于美国的支持人员可以帮助您正确设置和优化Content.ad,以满足您的需求。

To learn more about Content.ad, visit our publisher FAQ or 发布商常见问题解答

/www.content.ad" rel="nofollow">visit our website.

/www.content.ad“ rel =” nofollow“>访问我们的网站。




    • PHP 5.2.4 or higher.
    • PHP 5.2.4或更高版本。

    • WordPress v3.0.x or higher.
    • WordPress v3.0.x或更高版本。

    • Multisite is not currently supported.
    • 当前不支持多站点。

    • You must register with Content.ad.

    • 您必须在Content.ad中注册。

      The account is 100% free.

    • 该帐户是100%免费的。

    Install Via Plugin Repository


      1. Log into WordPress admin for your site
      2. 登录您网站的WordPress管理员

      3. Go to ‘Plugins -> Add New’ and choose ‘Search’
      4. 转到“插件->添加新内容”,然后选择“搜索”

      5. Search for Content.ad and click ‘Install Now’
      6. 搜索Content.ad,然后单击“立即安装”

      7. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu
      8. 通过“插件”菜单激活插件

      9. Go to ‘Settings -> Content.ad’ and click ‘Register your plugin’
      10. 转到“设置-> Content.ad”,然后单击“注册您的插件”

      11. Enjoy!
      12. 享受!

