[wordpress插件] Contentfry Social Media DisplaysContentfry社交媒体展示

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-01 12:30 449 0 全屏看文



With contentfry you can bring content from multiple social media networks onto your own website.


You can collect user’s photos, videos and texts as well as your own postings and display them in a customizable social media feed.


To use the contentfry plugin you must have an account on contentfry.com, where you can create and customize your display

要使用contentfry插件,您必须在 contentfry.com 上拥有一个帐户,您可以在其中创建和自定义显示内容


It is also where you can manage your sources and curate your content.


This plugin makes it very easy for you to embed your contentfry display to WordPress.


    • Contentfry collects social content from multiple social platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Linkedin, Flickr, Tumblr and RSS.

    • Contentfry从多个社交平台收集社交内容:Facebook,Twitter,Instagram,YouTube,Pinterest,Linkedin,Flickr,Tumblr和RSS。

    • It’s easy to customize your displays with our powerful style editor: you can choose from different display types and styles and further customize backgrounds, fonts, colors, etc.
    • 使用我们强大的样式编辑器轻松自定义显示:您可以从不同的显示类型和样式中进行选择,并进一步自定义背景,字体,颜色等。

    • The different display types to choose from include: “Grid” (the classic Social Wall), “Squares” (for the prettiest images), “Timeline” (the Social Wall with news character), “Slider” (the space

    • 可供选择的不同显示类型包括:“网格”(经典的社交墙),“方格”(用于最漂亮的图像),“时间轴”(带有新闻人物的社交墙),“滑块”(空格)

      saver) and a “Slideshow”

    • 保护程序)和“幻灯片放映”

    • The moderation tool gives you full control over the content on your website.

    • 审核工具可让您完全控制网站上的内容。

      You can decide for each source if posts should be displayed straight away or if you would like to moderate them beforehand.

    • 您可以为每个来源决定是否立即显示帖子,或者是否要事先审核。

    • Further curate your content by using Storyboxes and Themes.

    • 通过“故事框”和“主题”进一步策划您的内容。

      With a Storybox you can display manually selected posts in a defined order.


      With Themes you can automatically sort your content into subjects by using filters.


    • The displays are completely responsive and mobile-ready.
    • 这些显示器完全响应并且可以移动使用。


    1. In your WordPress admin panel, got to Plugins -> New Plugin, search for “contentfry” and click “Install now”.
    2. 在WordPress管理面板中,转到“插件”->“新插件”,搜索“ contentfry”,然后单击“立即安装”。

    3. Activate the plugin
    4. 激活插件

    5. Go to Settings -> contentfry
    6. 转到设置-> contentfry

    7. Click the “get a token” button to get the Access Token of your contentfry Team.

    8. 单击“获取令牌”按钮以获取您的contentfry团队的访问令牌。

      If you don’t have a contentfry Account yet, you can create one at contentfry.com

    9. 如果您还没有contentfry帐户,则可以在contentfry.com上创建一个帐户。

    10. Done!

    11. 完成!

      You can now embed your contentfry displays into your WordPress posts.

    12. 您现在可以将contentfry显示嵌入到WordPress帖子中。

