[wordpress插件] CP Image Store with Slideshow带幻灯片的CP Image Store

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-04 01:50 456 0 全屏看文



CP Image Store with Slideshow features:

具有幻灯片功能的CP Image Store:

§ Allows selling image files via PayPal.


Payments are SCA ready (Strong Customer Authentication), compatible with the new Payment services (PSD 2) - Directive (EU)

付款已准备好SCA(严格的客户身份验证),与新的付款服务(PSD 2)-指令(EU)兼容

§ Allows selling various resolution versions of the image at tiered prices


§ Multiple online store settings:display a search box, filter by author,  


color scheme, image type and categories.


Set the number of columns in the  


image store.


Pagination, and sorting of results by title, popularity and  


publication date


§ Associate various features to pictures: author, type of image,  


color scheme, and categories


§ Allows select an alternative layout of the store design


§ Allows to insert a particular image in posts or pages, and as widget  


on website's sidebars


§ Allows sharing image pages in social networks (ex: Facebook, Twitter, Google+)

§允许在社交网络中共享图像页面(例如:Facebook,Twitter,Google +)

§ Shows a carousel with the top 10 images obtained with the filter values


§ Includes a module to track sales statistics.  


Displays animated charts for specific sales reports


§ Allows exporting the sales reports to a CSV file


§ Includes an experimental module to import the products and their data.


CP Image Store with Slideshow is an online store for the sale of image files: images, predefined pictures, clipart, drawings, vector images.

带幻灯片的CP Image Store是一个在线商店,用于出售图像文件:图像,预定义图片,剪贴画,工程图,矢量图像。

For payment processing, CP Image Store with Slideshow uses PayPal, which is the most widely used payment gateway, safe and easy to use.

对于付款处理,带有幻灯片的CP Image Store使用PayPal,这是使用最广泛的付款网关,安全且易于使用。

The “Image Store” plugin allows the specific integration with the following editors:


    • Classic WordPress Editor.
    • 经典WordPress编辑器。

    • Gutenberg Editor.
    • Gutenberg编辑器。

    • Elementor.
    • 元素。

    • Page Builder by SiteOrigin.
    • SiteOrigin的页面构建器。

    • For other editors, the shortcodes should be inserted using other controls of general purpose, like the controls for inserting HTML or shortcodes.
    • 对于其他编辑者,应该使用其他通用控件插入短代码,例如用于插入HTML或短代码的控件。

    "}]; jQuery(function(){ $("#article_content").find("a").each(function(){ var url = $(this).attr("href"); for(var i=0;i"+c+"

    "); } } }) })