[wordpress插件] Calendar Event Multi View日历事件多视图

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-04 02:20 423 0 全屏看文



The Calendar Event Multi View is an event calendar for WordPress websites that features multiple visualization modes and multiple predefined styles.




    • Classic month view (like Google Calendar)
    • 经典月份视图(如Google日历)

    • Multi-month view (show a configurable number of months at once)
    • 多月视图(一次显示可配置的月数)

    • Day view
    • 日视图

    • Week view
    • 周视图

    • Multiple configurations for the views, the same view can be used in a very different way
    • 视图有多种配置,可以以完全不同的方式使用同一视图

    • Allows multiple views for the same event calendar on the same page
    • 在同一页面上允许同一事件日历的多个视图

    • Configurable start day of the week
    • 可配置的星期几开始

    • Can be setup to edit the events from the public website
    • 可以设置为编辑公共网站上的事件

    • You can select which button show/display (ex: navigation buttons, refresh button, others…)
    • 您可以选择显示/显示哪个按钮(例如:导航按钮,刷新按钮等)

    • The event calendar information can be displayed in many ways: Title + tooltip on mouse over or Title + tooltip on mouse click
    • 可以通过多种方式显示事件日历信息:鼠标悬停时标题+工具提示或单击鼠标时标题+工具提示

    • Events can have a location and an extended rich text description
    • 事件可以具有位置和扩展的RTF描述

    • Multiple selectable colors to highlight events in the calendar
    • 多种可选颜色以突出显示日历中的事件

    • Events can be linked to other pages.
    • 活动可以链接到其他页面。

    • Can display images directly on the calendar cells
    • 可以直接在日历单元格上显示图像

    • Can be easily published in a page or post by using its shortcode or visual publish button
    • 可以使用其短代码或视觉发布按钮轻松地在页面或帖子中发布

    • Can be setup to use a 12 or 24 hour clock.
    • 可以设置为使用12或24小时制。

    • Can be setup to display only the weekdays needed
    • 可以设置为仅显示所需的工作日

    • Fast Ajax load for the events data
    • 事件数据的快速Ajax加载

    • Recurring events / repeat events like Google Calendar
    • 重复发生的事件/重复事件,例如Google日历

    You can see 20 sample visualization modes and an online demo at: https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/calendars/cp-multi-view-calendar


    Languages Included in the Calendar


      • Czech
      • 捷克

      • Danish
      • 丹麦语

      • Dutch
      • 荷兰人

      • English
      • 英语

      • French
      • 法语

      • German
      • 德语

      • Italian
      • 意大利语

      • Norwegian
      • 挪威语

      • Polish
      • 波兰语

      • Portuguese
      • 葡萄牙语

      • Russian
      • 俄语

      • Slovak
      • 斯洛伐克语

      • Slovenian
      • 斯洛文尼亚语

      • Spanish
      • 西班牙语

      If your language is not listed here feel free to open a support ticket and it will be added asap.


      Update note


      New: The latest update features a new interface for easily editing a previously inserted event calendar views and preview buttons for a faster verification of how they will look in the website.


      Import / Export events using iCal


      The option to import events from iCal files and export the calendar events to iCal files is currently available in the Platinum version of the plugin (commercial version).

      该插件的 Platinum版本(商业版本)当前提供从iCal文件导入事件并将日历事件导出到iCal文件的选项。

      The iCal / .ics files supported are compatible with the Google Calendar iCal format.

      支持的iCal / .ics文件与Google日历iCal格式兼容。

      Settings in the insertion area


      To insert the calendar form into some content or post use the insertion area that will appear below the editor when editing contents.


      It looks like the following image:




      The fields on the event calendar insertion area (shown in the above image) are the following:


        • MultiCalendar: Which of the calendars will be shown.
        • MultiCalendar:将显示哪些日历。

        • Calendar Views: The views that will be included in the event calendar.
        • 日历视图:事件日历中将包含的视图。

        • Default View: Which of the calendar views will appear as default.
        • 默认视图:哪些日历视图将默认显示。

        • Start day of the week: The start day of the week (Ex: Sunday, Monday, …).
        • 星期几:星期几(例如:星期日,星期一...)。

        • CSS Style: Select one of the CSS styles available to render the calendar.
        • CSS样式:选择一种可用于渲染日历的CSS样式。

        • Palette Color: The palette color used for the events in the calendar.
        • 调色板颜色:用于日历中事件的调色板颜色。

        • Allow edition: Check this box if the event calendar will allow edition on the public website.
        • 允许版本:如果活动日历允许在公共网站上进行版本编辑,请选中此框。

        • Other buttons: Select the buttons that will be displayed on the top of the calendar.
        • 其他按钮:选择将显示在日历顶部的按钮。

        • Number of Months for nMonths View: Number of months shown at the same time in the nMonths View.
        • nMonths视图的月数:在nMonths视图中同时显示的月数。

        • Other parameters for nMonths View: Other parameters for the nMonths View (more info below).
        • nMonths视图的其他参数:nMonths视图的其他参数(下面的更多信息)。

        • Other parameters: Other parameters that apply to all calendar views (more info below).
        • 其他参数:适用于所有日历视图的其他参数(以下更多信息)。

        Adding custom parameters


        The additional parameters should be added into the “Other Parameters” box in the event calendar insertion area.


        These parameters must be comma separated and will overwrite the initial configuration selected for the event calendar.


        The “Other Parameters” box can be found in the following location (click to enlarge image): https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/demos/multi-view/screenshots/additional-parameters.png


        Adding custom CSS Styles


        The custom CSS styles can be added into the “Customization area >> Add Custom Styles” (at the bottom of the page that contains the list of calendars).


        Sample calendar views


        The following area some sample views.


        You can apply or mix configurations to get your own calendar views in addition to the following samples:


          1. View day only: Event calendar configured with the “day” view option only, the “Default View” should be “day”.

            仅查看日期:事件日历仅配置了“ day”视图选项,“ Default View”应为“ day”。

            The views “Week”, “Month”, “nMonth” should be unchecked.

            不应选中“周”,“月”,“ n月”视图。

            To fix the height, just add (for example) the parameter “height:400”.

            要固定高度,只需添加(例如)参数“ height:400”。

            Sample: https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/demos/multi-view/01-view-day-only.html


          2. View week only: Event calendar configured with the view week option only;


            the “Week” view should be enabled and the default view should be “week”.


            The views “Day”, “Month” and “nMonth” should be disabled.

            应禁用“天”,“月”和“ nMonth”视图。

            To fix the height, just add (for example) the parameter “height:400”.

            要固定高度,只需添加(例如)参数“ height:400”。

            Sample: https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/demos/multi-view/02-view-week-only.html


          3. View month only: Event calendar configured with the view month option only.


            To get this enable the “Month” view and set the default view to “month”.


            The views “Day”, “Week” and “nMonth” should be unchecked.

            应取消选中“天”,“周”和“ nMonth”视图。

            To fix the height, just add (for example) the parameter “height:400”.

            要固定高度,只需添加(例如)参数“ height:400”。

            Sample: https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/demos/multi-view/03-view-month-only.html


          4. View n-Months only: Event calendar configured with the view n-Months option only.


            This can be done by setting the amount of months to display in the event calendar to 12, enable only the “n-Month” view and setting the “Default View” to “nMonth”.

            这可以通过将事件日历中显示的月份数设置为12来实现,仅启用“ n-Month”视图,并将“默认视图”设置为“ nMonth”。

            All the other views and buttons should be unchecked.


            In the styles for this sample we have selected to fix the calendar width.


            Sample: https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/demos/multi-view/04-view-n-months-only.html


          5. Small event calendar: You can configure the calendar just like a single small event calendar.


            This can be done by selecting the n-Months view and setting the “Number of Months for nMonths View” dropdown select box to 1. Sample: https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/demos/multi-view/05-small-

            可以通过选择n个月视图并将“ nMonths视图的月数”下拉选择框设置为1来完成。示例:https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/demos/multi-view/05-small-



          6. n-Month view, only one month, large view: Event calendar with the n-Month view configured to display a single month in a large view.


            To get this result enable only the “n-Month” view and add the styles specified in the following sample page: https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/demos/multi-view/06-one-month-large-view.

            要获得此结果,请仅启用“ n-Month”视图并添加以下示例页面中指定的样式:https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/demos/multi-view/06-one-month-large-view。



          7. n-Month view with 2 months using all the width: To get this result in the calendar enable only the “n-Month” view, set the “Number of Months for nMonths View” dropdown

            n个月视图(使用所有宽度的2个月):要在日历中获得此结果,请仅启用“ n个月”视图,请设置“ nMonths视图的月数”下拉菜单

            select box to 2 and add the styles specified in the following sample page to fix the width of both the event calendar area and the width of each month: https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/demos/multi-view/07-two




          8. n-Month view, 3 months with vertical align: The first settings needed to get this calendar configuration is to enable only the “n-Month” view and set the “Number of Months for nMonths

            n个月视图,垂直对齐3个月:要获得此日历配置,首先需要进行的设置是仅启用“ n-Month”视图并设置“ nMonths的月数”

            View” dropdown select box to show 3 months.


            After that proceed to add some CSS styles to fix the width to the desired column width.


            This way you can publish the calendar in the sidebar of your website.


            Sample: https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/demos/multi-view/08-various-months-with-vertical-align.html


          9. Tooltip displayed on month,week and day view: In this event calendar sample, when you click over an event in the calendar, a floating tooltip panel with additional information is displayed.


            This type of tooltip is available for the month, week and day views.


            The n-Month view has a different type of tooltip panel.


            To enable the tooltips, the parameter “showtooltipdwm” must be set to “true” (or enable it by checking the checkbox in the visual configuration).

            要启用工具提示,必须将参数“ showtooltipdwm”设置为“ true”(或通过选中可视配置中的复选框来启用它)。

            In addition to these parameters, add also the styles mentioned in the following page as instructed: https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/demos/multi-view/09-tooltip-displayed.html


          10. Lighter view for events and center align: This calendar sample features the month, week and day views showing the events with a more lighter view: a color border is used instead filled backgrounds and the text is




            The tooltips are already enabled for this sample;


            to enable the tooltips you can do that by checking the tooltip checkbox in the visual configuration or just by setting parameter “showtooltipdwm” to “true”, this is also explained in other demos.

            要启用工具提示,您可以通过在可视配置中选中工具提示复选框或仅将参数“ showtooltipdwm”设置为“ true”来实现,这在其他演示中也有说明。

            To get the more lighter view you can add the styles indicated at this page: https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/demos/multi-view/10-lighter-view-center-align.html


          11. Multi-line event description: Event calendar that displays a multi-line event description in the month, week and day views, this is useful to display more information directly over the calendar.


            Only two CSS rules should be added to the styles to get this configuration.


            It will work with any selection of parameters if you are using one of the mentioned views.


            Check the detailed instructions at this page: https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/demos/multi-view/11-multi-line-event-description.html


          12. Images and HTML formatting in tooltip: The tooltips on the calendar can show images and formatted text.


            There are some styles that can be used to show/hide/customize the title, location, description and time: these styles are the CSS classes named “bubbletitle”, “bubblelocation”, “bubbledescription” and “bubbletime”.

            有一些样式可用于显示/隐藏/自定义标题,位置,描述和时间:这些样式是CSS类,名为“ bubbletitle”,“ bubblelocation”,“ bubbledescription”和“ bubbletime”。

            In this sample we have used only the class “bubbletime” to align it at the bottom of the content/image: https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/demos/multi-view/12-images-and-html-formatting-




          13. Images directly on the calendar cells: You can use this plugin like a picture calendar.


            The images should be added to the event description and the css rules mentioned in the following page to complete the formatting: https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/demos/multi-view/13-images-directly-on-the-calendar




          14. Show only from Monday to Friday: In this event sample we have disabled the Saturday and Sunday since this is a common configuration.


            In the “viewWeekDays” parameter, each number in the array represents a weekday from Sunday to Saturday.

            在“ viewWeekDays”参数中,数组中的每个数字代表从星期日到星期六的一个工作日。

            An zero means that the weekday is disabled (not shown) and a 1 means that the day is enabled (shown).


            Details at: https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/demos/multi-view/14-show-only-from-monday-to-friday.html


          15. Using 12 or 24 hour clock: This calendar supports both the 12 and the 24 hour clock (also known as military time).


            The 24-hour clock is enabled as default;


            if you prefer to use the 12-hour clock then just set the parameter “militaryTime” to “false”.

            如果您希望使用12小时制,只需将参数“ militaryTime”设置为“ false”。

            Sample: https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/demos/multi-view/15-using-12-or-24-hour-clock.html


          16. Showing the n-Days view: With this event calendar view you can display many days in a view similar to the single day view.


            First you should enable the “nDays” view and then set the number of days to view on each calendar page.

            首先,您应该启用“ nDays”视图,然后在每个日历页面上设置要查看的天数。

            The parameters are viewNDays:true for enabling the view, numberOfDays:10 for setting the number of days and viewdefault:”nDays” to make it the default view if needed.

            参数是viewNDays:true(用于启用视图),numberOfDays:10(用于设置天数)和viewdefault:“ nDays”(如果需要)使其成为默认视图。

            Sample: https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/demos/multi-view/16-n-days-view.html


          17. Selecting hours to be shown: In some applications you may want to select only some hours to be shown in the event calendar, for example working hours.


            In the “Days”, “nDays” and “Week” views you can select the range of hours to be shown be setting the start and end hours.

            在“天数”,“ nDays”和“周”视图中,您可以通过设置开始时间和结束时间来选择要显示的小时数范围。

            Three parameters must be specified for this: the start hour hoursStart:8, the end hour hoursEnd:17 and the height of a single hour cell cellheight:60.


            Hours are in military time, so 17 means 5:00pm.


            Sample: https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/demos/multi-view/17-selecting-hours-to-be-shown.html


          18. Using drop-down lists for location and title: The location and title that are part of each event's description in the calendar are open/editable fields by default but you can convert them in drop-down


            lists to make them easier to edit and keep the data consistency.


            Sample and detailed instructions: https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/demos/multi-view/18-lists-for-location-and-title.html


          19. Multi-column day view, location or title: In this event calendar sample the location and title have been converted in drop-down lists as explained in the previous sample #18.


            In addition to that now we have selected to use the “title” field as the column header in the day view, this way the events are placed in different columns agrupated by their titles.


            The same can be done with the location instead the title.


            Sample and detailed instructions: https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/demos/multi-view/19-multi-column-day-view.html


          20. Day view with location & title grid: The event calendar day view can be modified to show the title and location as headers of the rows and column instead the default single columns and the hour in the row




            This is useful to display informations agrupated by title and location on each day.


            Sample and detailed instructions: https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/demos/multi-view/20-day-view-with-location-title-grid.html



To install Calendar Event Multi View, follow these steps:


    1. Download and unzip the plugin
    2. 下载并解压缩插件

    3. Upload the entire cp-multi-view-calendar/ directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    4. 将整个cp-multi-view-calendar /目录上传到/ wp-content / plugins /目录

    5. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
    6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    7. Configure the settings at the administration menu >> CP Multi View Event Calendar.

    8. 在管理菜单>> CP Multi View事件日历中配置设置。

    9. To insert the calendar form into some content or post use the icon that will appear when editing contents
    10. 要将日历表单插入某些内容或发布内容,请使用在编辑内容时出现的图标





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