[wordpress插件] Customizer Dev Tools定制开发工具

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-10 20:40 452 0 全屏看文



The customizer is a single-page application that includes a lot of events, messages, and state changes which drive the application.


Being aware of these things is essential for developing JavaScript for the customizer.


To use, activate the plugin, open the customizer and the browser console and enter:




You can then either start interacting with the customizer app to see the log entries from that point, or you can reload the customizer to see the log entries emitted during the customizer initialization.


Not everything in the customizer is currently implemented to emit a log entry.


File an issue for any specific event that may be needed.




    • Start logging of customizer events via running CustomizerDevTools.startLogging() from your browser console, and stop via CustomizerDevTools.stopLogging().

    • 通过从浏览器控制台运行 CustomizerDevTools.startLogging()开始记录定制器事件,并通过 CustomizerDevTools.stopLogging()停止。

      In the former, you can filter what is logged out by passing a string or regular expression (RegExp object) to match against the given log, or you can use the browser console's built-in log filtering.<

      在前者中,您可以通过传递字符串或正则表达式( RegExp 对象)以匹配给定的日志来过滤注销的内容,或者可以使用浏览器控制台的内置日志过滤。


      / li>

    • Logs out all events triggered on wp.customize.
    • 注销所有在 wp.customize 上触发的事件。

    • Logs out additions and changes to to wp.customize.state.
    • 注销添加并更改为 wp.customize.state

    • Logs changes to the active and expanded states for panels, sections, and controls.
    • 将面板,部分和控件的更改记录为 active expanded 状态。

    • Logs out messages sent and received by the pane (controls) and preview.
    • 注销由窗格(控件)发送和接收的消息并进行预览。

    • Logs out dynamic addition and removal of panels, sections, controls, partials, and settings (after the ready event triggers).
    • 注销动态添加和删除面板,节,控件,部分和设置(在 ready 事件触发器之后)。

    • The wp.customize object from the Customizer preview is made persistently available from the parent frame via CustomizerDevTools.previewCustomize.

    • 通过 CustomizerDevTools.previewCustomize 可以从父框架中永久使用Customizer预览中的 wp.customize 对象。

      This reference is updated whenever the preview refreshes, so you no longer have to change the frame window context to access this object.

    • 每当预览刷新时,此引用都会更新,因此您不再需要更改框架窗口上下文来访问此对象。

    • In the same way, the current Customizer preview window is exposed as CustomizerDevTools.previewWindow.

    • 以同样的方式,当前的Customizer预览 window 显示为 CustomizerDevTools.previewWindow

      This is a shortcut for doing wp.customize.previewer.targetWindow.get(), and it has the added benefit of allowing the browser’s dev tools to provide auto-completion.

    • 这是执行 wp.customize.previewer.targetWindow.get()的快捷方式,它的附加好处是允许浏览器的开发工具提供自动完成功能。

    Make sure you also install the Customizer Browser History and


    "https://github.com/xwp/wp-customize-snapshots" rel="nofollow">Customize Snapshots plugins so that you can reload the browser window and have the Customizer load with the same state as before you

    “ https://github.com/xwp/wp-customize-snapshots” rel =“ nofollow”>自定义快照插件,以便您可以重新加载浏览器窗口并以与之前相同的状态加载Customizer

    reloaded, including the persistence of the focused panel, section, control, the previewed URL, the scroll position in the preview, and which device is being previewed.


    Requires PHP≥5.3.


