[wordpress插件] CSS Margin & Padding UtilityCSS边距和填充实用程序

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-11 04:11 436 0 全屏看文



This utility plugin adds a series of css classes that allow easy addition of set padding and margin to any element.


For basic use, the classes follow the format of [margin / padding][location letter: all, top, right, bottom, left, vertical, horizontal][amount: none, small, medium, large, extra large (

对于基本用途,这些类遵循[margin / padding] [位置字母:全部,顶部,右侧,底部,左侧,垂直,水平]的格式。[数量:无,小,中,大,特大(

0.5em, 1em, 2em, 4em)]


Also in the basic classes are percentages, taking the place of the last letter in the format [p][percentage] e.g.

在基本类别中,百分比也以[p] [percentage]格式代替最后一个字母,例如

p7-5 for 7.5% or p15 for 15%.


Examples of Basic Classes:


    • man > margin all none = margin: 0px;
    • man> margin all none = margin:0px;

    • prl > padding right large = padding-right: 2em;
    • prl>右侧填充大=右侧填充2em;

    • mvp5 > margin vertical 5% = margin: 5% 0;
    • mvp5>垂直边距5%=边距:5%0;

    Additional utility classes – First / Last child, Child / Sub

    其他实用程序类–第一个/最后一个孩子,Child / Sub

    To add selective classes for adding margin / padding to the first / last child, any child, or any sub-element of the required element, simply add '', '', '', or

    要添加选择类以为所需元素的第一个/最后一个子元素,任何子元素或任何子元素添加边距/填充,只需添加“ last-”,“ first-”,“ child-”或

    '' to the beginning of the basic classes.


    Examples of Child Classes


      • last-mhxl > last-child margin horizontal extra large = last-mhxl :last-child { margin: 0 4em;

      • last-mhxl>上一个孩子的边距水平超大= last-mhxl:last-child {边距:0 4em;


      • }

      • last-pbn > last-child padding bottom none = last-pbn :last-child { padding-bottom: 0;

      • last-pbn>最后一个孩子的填充底部无= last-pbn:last-child {padding-bottom:0;


      • }

      • first-mtm > first-child margin top medium = first-mtm :first-child { margin-top: 2em;

      • first-mtm>第一个孩子的边际最高媒介= first-mtm:first-child {margin-top:2em;


      • }

      • child-mal > child margin all large = child-mal > * { margin: 4em;

      • child-mal>儿童保证金全部大= child-mal> * {保证金:4em;


      • }

      • sub-php5 > sub elements padding horizontal 5 percent = sub-php5 * { padding: 0 5%;

      • sub-php5>子元素水平填充5%= sub-php5 * {padding:0 5%;


      • }

      Additional utility classes – Responsive margin / padding


      You can also apply the margin / padding required to certain screen widths, ranging from xl (min: 1200px) to xs (max: 480px).


      To use these responsive classes, add -[screen-size] to the end of the basic classes.


      Examples of Responsive Classes


        • mrm-lg > margin right medium, large screen = (max-width: 1199px) and (min-width: 980px) margin-right: 2em;
        • mrm-lg>右边距中等,大屏幕=(最大宽度:1199px)和(最小宽度:980px)右边距:2em;

        • pas-xs > padding all small, xsmall screen = (max-width: 480px) padding: 0.5em;
        • pas-xs>填充所有小xsmall屏幕=(最大宽度:480px)填充:0.5em;

        • mhp15-md > margin horizontal 15%, medium screen = (max-width: 979px) and (min-width: 768px) margin-left: 15%;

        • mhp15-md>边距水平15%,中屏=(最大宽度:979px)和(最小宽度:768px)左边距:15%;

          margin-right: 15%;

        • 保证金率:15%;

        Full Table of Options


        [margin / padding]


        m = margin

        m =保证金

        p = padding

        p =填充



        a = all

        a =全部

        t = top

        t =顶部

        r = right

        r =正确

        b = bottom

        b =底部

        l = left

        l =左

        v = vertical (top + bottom)

        v =垂直(顶部+底部)

        h = horizontal (left + right)

        h =水平(左+右)



        s = small (0.5em)

        s =小(0.5em)

        m = medium (1.0em)

        m =中(1.0em)

        l = large (2.0em)

        l =大(2.0em)

        xl = extra large (4.0em)

        xl =特大(4.0em)

        p5 = 5 percent (5.0%)

        p5 = 5%(5.0%)

        p7-5 = 7.5 percent (7.5%)

        p7-5 = 7.5%(7.5%)

        p10 = 10 percent (10.0%)

        p10 = 10%(10.0%)

        p12-5 = 12.5 percent (12.5%)

        p12-5 = 12.5%(12.5%)

        p15 = 15 percent (15.0%)

        p15 = 15%(15.0%)

        [first / last] (prefix)


        first- = > :first-child

        first- =>:第一个孩子

        last- = > :last-child

        last- =>:last-child

        [child / sub] (prefix)


        child- = > *

        child- => *

        sub- = *

        子= *

        [screen-size] (suffix)


        -xs = max-width: 480px

        -xs =最大宽度:480px

        -sm = max-width: 767px and min-width: 481px

        -sm =最大宽度:767像素,最小宽度:481像素

        -md = max-width: 979px and min-width: 768px

        -md =最大宽度:979像素,最小宽度:768像素

        -lg = max-width: 1199px and min-width: 980px

        -lg ​​=最大宽度:1199px,最小宽度:980px

        -xl = min-width: 1200px

        -xl =最小宽度:1200px

        Additional utility classes – Boxshadow

        其他实用程序类– Boxshadow

        Using the boxshadow utility classes, you can quickly add a boxshadow to divs and other elements.


        The format of the utility classes is as follows: shadowout-[direction][blur]-[shadow opacity].

        实用程序类的格式如下:shadowout- [direction] [blur]-[shadow opacity]。

        Examples of Boxshadow


          • shadowout-nm-medium > no direction, medium blur, medium opacity = box-shadow: 0 0 .15em 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.27);
          • shadowout-nm-medium>无方向,中等模糊,中等不透明度=盒子阴影:0 0 .15em 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.27);

          • shadowout-brm-dark > bottom-right direction, medium blur, dark opacity = box-shadow: .15em .15em .3em 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.54);
          • shadowout-brm-dark>右下方向,中等模糊,深色不透明=盒子阴影:.15em .15em .3em 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.54);

          Options for Boxshadow utility




          all directions shift the shadow by .15em


          n = none

          n =无

          t = top

          t =顶部

          b = bottom

          b =底部

          l = left

          l =左

          r = right

          r =正确

          tl = top-left

          tl =左上

          tr = top-right

          tr =右上

          bl = bottom-left

          bl =左下角

          br = bottom-right

          br =右下角



          s = small (.15em)

          s =小(.15em)

          m = medium (.3em)

          m =中(.3em)

          l = large (.6em)

          l =大(.6em)

          [shadow opacity]


          -light = light (0.135 opacity)

          -light =光线(不透明度0.135)

          -medium = medium (0.27 opacity)

          -medium =中(不透明度为0.27)

          -dark = dark (0.54 opacity)

          -dark =深色(不透明度0.54)




    1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
    2. 将插件文件上传到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录,或直接通过WordPress插件屏幕安装插件。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”屏幕激活插件。

    5. Use the classes (examples given above) to easily and quickly add padding and margin to any element.
    6. 使用这些类(上面给出的示例)可以轻松快速地向任何元素添加填充和边距。

