[wordpress插件] Better Links更好的链接

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-03 23:20 541 0 全屏看文



Better Links is a fast and easy way to create and manage links from within your WordPress dashboard.


To make it easy we let you create links from within a dedicated link manager and even create and insert links right from within your WordPress post editor.


Sure, seeing your links are being clicked is neat but wouldn’t it be more useful to see where your links are being clicked (and where they aren’t?)


"nofollow">Get advanced tracking and more when you upgrade to Better Links Pro.

“ nofollow”>升级到Better Links Pro后,可以获得高级跟踪功能。

Click Here!


Better Links Features:


Designed to make it easy to manage your links and save time while you do it


    1. Create links that originate from your own domain name e.g.

    2. 创建源自您自己的域名的链接,例如


    3. yourdomain.com/somelink

    4. Track clicks over the past 30 days and entire lifetime link stats
    5. 跟踪过去30天的点击次数以及整个生命周期的链接统计信息

    6. Easily choose between permanent (301) and temporary redirect types (302 / 307)
    7. 轻松地在永久(301)和临时重定向(302/307)类型之间进行选择

    8. Site wide or single link default selections for your BetterLinks to open in a new window
    9. Better链接的站点宽或单个链接默认选择,以在新窗口中打开

    10. Site wide or single link default selections for your BetterLinks to have the no follow attribute applied
    11. 您的BetterLinks的全站点或单个链接默认选择,以应用no follow属性

    12. For most URL’s Better Links can automatically pull the title of the page to help you save time creating link names
    13. 对于大多数URL而言,“更好的链接”可以自动拉出页面标题,以帮助您节省创建链接名称的时间

    14. Create link categories to group your various links together (e.g. your own products and affiliate products)
    15. 创建链接类别以将各种链接(例如您自己的产品和会员产品)组合在一起

    16. Quickly create links using the ‘Better Link This’ bookmarketlet in your browser window
    17. 使用浏览器窗口中的“ Better Link This”书市快速创建链接

    18. Want to try a new take on link management?

    19. 是否想尝试新的链接管理方式?

      Import your links from the Pretty Link plugin

    20. 从Pretty Link插件导入链接

    21. You can even create and insert links from within your post editor.

    22. 您甚至可以从帖子编辑器中创建和插入链接。

      No need to go back to your link manager just to copy a link when you can do it all from within your post.

    23. 当您可以在帖子中完成链接时,无需复制链接管理器即可。

    Better Links Pro Features:


    Better Links Pro can do everything Better Links can do along with a whole lot more including:

    Better Links Pro可以完成Better Links可以做的所有事情,包括:

      1. Multiple destination link type allows you to split test your link performance (great for determining which affiliate link converts best)
      2. 多个目标链接类型可让您拆分测试链接性能(这是确定哪个会员链接转化最佳的好方法)

      3. Geographic destination link type lets you send visitors from any country in the world to their own URL.

      4. 地理目的地链接类型可让您将来自世界任何国家的访问者发送到他们自己的URL。

        Great for country specific affiliate offers.

      5. 非常适合特定国家/地区的会员优惠。

      6. Save time inserting links with automatic keyword replacement.

      7. 使用自动替换关键字来节省插入链接的时间。

        Any keyword you enter will replace with your Better Link.

      8. 您输入的任何关键字都将替换为“更好的链接”。

      9. Advanced tracking integrates with Google Analytics to help you see where your links are getting clicked and their frequency.

      10. 高级跟踪与Google Analytics(分析)集成在一起,可帮助您查看链接的点击位置及其频率。

        This will help you identify opportunities to improve your ctr (and maybe earn more affiliate earnings)

      11. 这将帮助您确定提高点击率的机会(并可能获得更多的会员收入)

      12. Advanced tracking also allows you to look at individual blog posts and pages to see your link clicks and overall CTR to identify opportunities to improve your clicks (and potentially increase you earnings).
      13. 通过高级跟踪,您还可以查看各个博客文章和页面,以查看链接点击次数和总体点击率,从而确定改善点击次数(并可能增加您的收入)的机会。

      Unlock more actionable data from the links you use on your blog.


      href="http://betterlinkspro.com/why-pro/?utm_source=wordpressorg&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=betterlinkswporgbot" rel="nofollow">Upgrade to Better Links Pro here!

      href =“ http://betterlinkspro.com/why-pro/?utm_source=wordpressorg&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=betterlinkswporgbot” rel =“ nofollow”>在此处升级到Better Links Pro!


Better Links is easy to install and configure.


    1. Upload the better-links directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. better-links 目录上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Visit the Better Links page to create new links and insert them from rich editor
    6. 访问“更好的链接”页面以创建新链接并从富编辑器中插入它们

    That’s it!


    A new button will be added above the WordPress editor that lets your search for, create, and insert links.






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